Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Do 20 - 25 seconds the first time and then 10 seconds the last time that's what I do and it keeps my nail spotless. It's when I let my friends hit my rig or when I dab out my impatient dad is when I burn my nail every time!

Just try it see how it works for you!
What you have looks like what we call "sugar" ..which is what I'm dabbing. True Diamonds is clear looking, hard, meth like rocks with "sauce" on it. But sugar does sell as "diamonds" all the time.

This is what "diamonds" looks like out here
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I have a dish mixed with crumble and white diamonds! Them other ones are black market and have terps added afterwards for flavor but it makes them lose their consistency and it softens up!
Watch texas be the only state that doesn't legalize it :face:
If it was up to voters we would be legal nut texas is one state where we don’t have the option of getting signatures for a statewide ballot initiative! Either the legislators have to do it or it doesn’t happen! Last few sessions they have been doing it city by city getting it decriminalized! Denton was last city (well was 5 but only city nearby) but we have had bills to decriminalize go thru every step of the process from house to diff committees to be redrafted with changes and all that shit but our bitch ass Lt Gov keeps refusing to put bill on senate floor for that final vote needed! His ass needs to go already! Maybe i should run for office! They freaking legalized being able to buy a margarita to go with your takeout order from chili’s but cannabis is the devil and a non starter! We have the most pathetic medical program with like 4 qualifying conditions and then u only get option of gummies/inhaler/ or pills in some cases but max 10mg dose and expensive as fuck! Oh but they sre such bitches here they even in the final committee changed it and removed vets with ptsd from qualifying for the program! Its only terminal cancer/ intractable epilepsy/ and my mom got on thru a small trial for having severe back pain from surgeries but also because she has nerve damage! The nerve damage part is what they were doing a trial for!

Hopefully being cannabis talk that ain’t political and gonna get me reported! ;) :shrug::rofl:

If so….
Damn guess I shouldn’t have opened my mouth! Asked yall to join me in some dabs and apparently yall mofos can’t hang cuz u straight disappeared! :shrug::haha::crying:

I finished my glob in the banger and moved onto the ol swordfisharino! :eyebrows::woohoo1::lildab:

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