Hope everyone is enjoying their night! Been busy with my son lately we had 3 diff doctors appointments this month and we were in the process of getting him out of childrens hospital los angeles and getting him switched over to children's hospital orange county, so lots of paper work and phone calls. It's a 30 min drive vs an hour and change to Hollywood. Orange county is only 7 miles closer but the traffic is a killer. We only stayed at the one in LA cause we used to live out there and that's where he had his surgery after he was born so after 3 years going there every other month we asked to move to the closer childrens hospital and since he's doing so good they cleared us to switch. He has to get 2 different sleep studies done to make sure he can sleep without his ventilator then they will plan on taking his trach out once those are completed. It would have been a nightmare driving to hollywood at 6pm for the studies so we got out at the right time. It's been 1 hell of a journey but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally. I'm guessing if everything goes good he will have his Trach out by next year. They told us from the start he would probably have it out around age 4 so we are right on schedule. Just wanted to update you guys! He is a tough ass kid and I'm proud to share this with you all.
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Excellent news, my friend!! :d5: :pass::headbang:
The Life & Timez of Silleedawg
"i see.........a cat.........over.........there" :eyebrows:


"the cat didn't wanna play wif me" :rolleyes1:


"but fuck that cat, my blueball will alwayz play wif me, woot!" :yay: :biggrin: :doh: ppp

The chili was very good. I used too much chili powder and it started to get a little bitter so I balanced it out with a little maple syrup, salt and a ripe tomato.

Chili was not photogenic so here is this morning's breakfast.
