dankstyle J

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Cultivators Club
Apr 25, 2015
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Biolegend, green poison, ocean grown cookies
I am trying a way to get faster absorption of natural organic fertilization by training the root system to be fed through a tube .My soil is down to earth pro organic mix with my leftover outdoor grow soil lane forest products.Most of my stuff I will be using is local .
My soil is supposed to encourage root growth so I will water towards the tube when I feel the roots have Been trained I will water mainly through the tube hopefully sorta of creating a soil hydro
The tube is filled partly with soil sort of a buffer for the roots and a way to multiple microbes.
In the past I have top dressed but found results could take weeks not so effective and can release nutrients when you don't need them .
The first plant to sprout the sodk is the smallest seedling I have ever seen .Was going to pull it because it was so small but it stuck itself to the soil she won't go she's different and proud she's a keeper .
More plants will sprout and there roots will be trained for better nutrient absorption .
After seeing a organic plant diagram and how nutrients are absorbed pictures pointing to different parts of the root absorbing the different nutrients I believe in theory I can customize the tubal delivery system to maybe make nutrients more available.
My soil is supposed to encourage root growth so I will water towards the tube when I feel the roots have Been trained I will water mainly through the tube hopefully sorta of creating a soil hydro
But more like a root training .
The world's smallest sprout is still alive hopefully others will spring up I put alot of thought in the sprouts not happy till they show .