Indoor How can a female from a feminized seed not reverse?

Mar 13, 2021
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So I have a question regarding Auto's that won't reverse. I have a Quebec Seed Co - Auto Bruce Banner that I've tried to reverse three times with various combinations of STS, CS (both store bought and homemade) with no success. They do NOT produce sacs. The plant just grows and produces white pistols and flowers. I've tried spaying with CS twice a day from 3 weeks, STS every 3 days, and STS every 5 days. I've reversed other pheno's successfully. The seeds that I bought that grew this plant were feminized so it CAN be done. But how? How did they get feminized seeds from a female that won't reverse? Could the seeds be hybrid of a non-reversible female and a reversible female of different genetics?
Dunno. Could just be genetics. Did you soak the whole plants down, or were you trying to do just a few branches?

One last ditch try might be to include a surfactant such as yucca to generate better penetration of the CS or STS.
Dunno. Could just be genetics. Did you soak the whole plants down, or were you trying to do just a few branches?

One last ditch try might be to include a surfactant such as yucca to generate better penetration of the CS or STS.
I soaked the whole plant. How do you use yucca? I heard back from the supplier (Quebec Seed Bank) and they said that the seeds were first generation hybrids. So one of the parents may have passed on a gene that makes it non - reversible. I should ask what the parent genetics were I guess.
I haven't used yucca for this purpose, but if I did, I would just mix it into my spray solution. It would make wetting the leaves more effective, and might deliver a higher dose of the reversing agent. Just an idea...

I do find it odd that the strain will not even respond to STS. I recall others here mentioning using far higher concentrations of STS than those typically recommended, but I can't recall who that was or the details of the dosage they used. It was definitely more than twice or three times the regular dose usually recommended in the STS recipes. Dosage of STS is the only other thing that I might try in your situation. Maybe one more time with both Yucca and increased STS dosage. Bottom line is that that strain uses the same ethylene based sex differentiation that other strains do, so it should be subject to reversal if you get the chemicals in there with the needed dose. Or at least so goes my thinking. :biggrin:
So I have a question regarding Auto's that won't reverse. I have a Quebec Seed Co - Auto Bruce Banner that I've tried to reverse three times with various combinations of STS, CS (both store bought and homemade) with no success. They do NOT produce sacs. The plant just grows and produces white pistols and flowers. I've tried spaying with CS twice a day from 3 weeks, STS every 3 days, and STS every 5 days. I've reversed other pheno's successfully. The seeds that I bought that grew this plant were feminized so it CAN be done. But how? How did they get feminized seeds from a female that won't reverse? Could the seeds be hybrid of a non-reversible female and a reversible female of different genetics?
Something is wrong with your sts mix.. I've never heard of sts not reversing a plant.. I've heard if a plant not making pollen.. But never heard of sts not working at all. Also.. When you say that you tried 3 times, do you mean 3 different plants? Or that you tried 3 different methods on one plant? You may also have the timing off for when you should start spraying..
Something is wrong with your sts mix.. I've never heard of sts not reversing a plant.. I've heard if a plant not making pollen.. But never heard of sts not working at all. Also.. When you say that you tried 3 times, do you mean 3 different plants? Or that you tried 3 different methods on one plant? You may also have the timing off for when you should start spraying..
I tried three different plants. Same genetics. I think my STS is too weak. I used a 3 mM diluted 1:9. I'll try using the straight 1:1 stock solution. Also it may be too old. I made it up in January (2021) and kept it in a cool dark place but applying it in March may have been pushing it (?). How long will STS last in a dark cold place?