New Grower Here We go

Donton, you’re doing great and I love how you are really striving to do it right!
As for the naysayers…….well unfortunately that seems to be part of life on the old inter web.
Also the reason I got off Facebook. Sheesh, you can’t even say have a nice day without pissing off or offending someone.
I am enjoying myself here mostly as a way to educate myself as I was forced into early retirement due to the whole pandemic crap, but now I couldn’t be happier. My wife keeps wondering why I am into growing now, but I have to have something to do with my time. To me it’s not about how much I can grow ( heck I’m hardly even touching what I did grow). Up to a couple months ago I hadn’t even smoked in over 20 years (having a job where people’s lives depended on me doing mine). I just want to see if I can do it and if I can do it well. I just need to fino more friends to give my stuff to.

Keep it up and I’m looking forward to seeing your success, and good luck with the job.
Donton, you’re doing great and I love how you are really striving to do it right!
As for the naysayers…….well unfortunately that seems to be part of life on the old inter web.
Also the reason I got off Facebook. Sheesh, you can’t even say have a nice day without pissing off or offending someone.
I am enjoying myself here mostly as a way to educate myself as I was forced into early retirement due to the whole pandemic crap, but now I couldn’t be happier. My wife keeps wondering why I am into growing now, but I have to have something to do with my time. To me it’s not about how much I can grow ( heck I’m hardly even touching what I did grow). Up to a couple months ago I hadn’t even smoked in over 20 years (having a job where people’s lives depended on me doing mine). I just want to see if I can do it and if I can do it well. I just need to fino more friends to give my stuff to.

Keep it up and I’m looking forward to seeing your success, and good luck with the job.
Same with me. Drove a truck 20 years and wife, then pandemic took me off the road. Started growing in 2020 and haven't stopped. Occasionally smoke but most do alcohol tincture to help me sleep.