Grow Room Help me tweak my build

Dec 19, 2019
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Hey everyone, I've been growing for a little over a year and a half now and I want to dial in my setup as best as possible. So far I've only grown autoflowers from msnl. Now that I have a better grasp of all of this and several grows under my belt I want to focus on growing the best flower as possible. My current grow I have 2x Auto Tangerine Dream from msnl growing in 3gal smart pots, coco/perlite is my medium. They are about 30 days from sprout and still no sign of pistils. With that said I did some more research on autoflower breeders and found Mephisto seeds. After this grow I plan on using Meph/Night Owl and other top end auto breeders from here on out. Using top shelf genetics I want to make sure my grow build is capable of taking full advantage of them.

My tent is 4x2x6 and I'm using 2x 96QB elites with a HLG-320H-54A driver. The rest of my equipment I bought based on cocoforcannabis website's reccomendations. I grow two autoflowers at a time in 3 gal smart pots. I germinate my seeds in damp paper towels in between two plates, placed on top of a heating mat. Germinated seeds go into jiffy pellets, then into nursery bags and finally into 3 gal smart pots. My growing medium of choice is coco/perlite, 70/30. The coco I usually use is Royal Gold's coco fiber bags. I use General Hydro's line of nutes and this feeding schedule to a T- I mix the nutes with city water running through a RO system and only hand water my plants. I use a floor fan and a few wireless clip on fans for circulation. The temp in my tent stays between 80-85 degrees year round while maintaining right around 50% humidity. With my current grow I started trying out LST, I'll provide pictures when I get home tomorrow.

Looking in to bettering my tent and growing practices I've came across a few things that made me question what I've been doing and that's why I made this post. I've read that I might not have enough light for my tent. I've read that autoflowers need fewer nutes than photos so maybe my feeding schedule isn't working for my girls. I could keep going but those are two of the major issues I feel could be robbing me of better harvests. Without going in to more detail I'd like ask you guys now what it is you think I can do to take my grows to the next level. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance