Indoor Hello again, and thanks for all the fish.

Day 12 New
I increased the light intensity a little to around 540ish, she seems to be rooting into the rest of the pot quite well, I'll need to overwater a little in the beginning now until things reach an equilibrium.

Hmm, I've been a little over zealous and broken one of the arms. Not off, just broken. But she'll be fine. I also removed 4 large fan leaves and 4 smaller ones, now the lower branches should come out much better without having to top her.



I've seen a few new people drill or melt holes into their pots. There's other ways:

Wow! looking great so young! When do you plan to activate the Autopot?
Wow! looking great so young! When do you plan to activate the Autopot?
oh no i'm not doing autopots on these, those are my regular air pruning pots


I've had some problems with the white widow I had in the autopot and wasn't sure if it was the substrate or the pot. first i wanna nail down all the other variables again and then when everything else is perfect, go back into autopots. i had taken a few years break from growing
Day 24 New
It is now 4 days later and I decided to cut her head off. She's got 16 arms now and is continuing to throw shade on the lower ones quite well, hope she goes into flower soon, I'd love a really big stretch.




She has ridiculously thick branches, one of the most sturdy plants I've grown to date.

26c at 62%rh, dli of 45, light feed 15-25ml canna coco depending on vpd
Day 28 New
Our girl is becoming a teenager. She started to get into the flowering mood 2 days ago and is now preparing for the stretch. So I redid the wires on the lowest branches a little further out, removed the 4 big fanleaves from the trunk and tucked a lot of the other fan leaves.

That did make her look a little ragged but she's gonna explode soon. I also increased the feed a little, now constantly giving 25ml of canna coco a/b per 10L. No boosters during stretch, I want to keep the sugar content low/rising slow so she stretches for a while.
