Grow Mediums Heater for reservoir during winter


Cultivators Club
Dec 22, 2016
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I just got the 2 fabric autopot system, and was wondering if anyone heats their reservoir in the winter? My basement gets cold, as low as mid to low 50's f. That means my water will be way too cold right? I heard it should be 68°f-70°f no more than 72°f. Assuming that is correct should I put a aquarium heater in my reservoir? I put R/O with a little bit of Raw Silica, sometimes bubbled tap water no nutrients. Will this cause problems?
I use 1 of these in my rez in the winter. Worked pretty well last year. I just suction cup it to the bottom of the rez
I don’t use one but my basement stays fairly warm with 2-3 tents running it stays in the mid 70’s along with my Rez.. My stir pump puts off enough heat to warm the mix during the winter.. I do know that cooler water 68-70 holds more oxygen but my Rez runs between 70-76f ish sometimes even pushes 78f and I have even seen 80f but that was me running my stir pump too much. It’s been much better this summer since I have been running AC down there
I don’t use one but my basement stays fairly warm with 2-3 tents running it stays in the mid 70’s along with my Rez.. My stir pump puts off enough heat to warm the mix during the winter.. I do know that cooler water 68-70 holds more oxygen but my Rez runs between 70-76f ish sometimes even pushes 78f and I have even seen 80f but that was me running my stir pump too much. It’s been much better this summer since I have been running AC down there
The stir pimp, is that to keep nutrients mixed? That's another thing I wondered about. I know I seen people say not to use a air stones on the res. I seen people say they did anyway and they wished they didn't. So what is the difference between an air stone & a stir pump? I put some silica in my water to help keep pH stable and it settles on the bottom. I want something to keep the water moving is that what the stir pump does?
The stir pimp, is that to keep nutrients mixed? That's another thing I wondered about. I know I seen people say not to use a air stones on the res. I seen people say they did anyway and they wished they didn't. So what is the difference between an air stone & a stir pump? I put some silica in my water to help keep pH stable and it settles on the bottom. I want something to keep the water moving is that what the stir pump does?

Yup but have to be careful not to overheat the rez by running too much.. Other peeps use a aquarium wavemaker and it does the same thing I haven't used one of those.. What you are also doing is breaking up the bio film that gets created on the surface of the rez.. I also rinse and start with a fresh rez every week to keep thing fresh and to prevent any microbe blooms it may be a more of a issue for me I run kelp in my rez
I think a air stone will do the same thing I ran one in my rez before and didn't see much difference both are doing very similar things.. Breaking surface tension which puts oxygen in the water too..

Bacteria building up is going to happen on anything in a rez ie: heaster, pump, air stone which is why IMO it is a good idea to clean your rez weekly if not bi weekly at most :toke::d5::biggrin:
Yup but have to be careful not to overheat the rez by running too much.. Other peeps use a aquarium wavemaker and it does the same thing I haven't used one of those.. What you are also doing is breaking up the bio film that gets created on the surface of the rez.. I also rinse and start with a fresh rez every week to keep thing fresh and to prevent any microbe blooms it may be a more of a issue for me I run kelp in my rez
My concern is with R/O just sitting with no movement. With no chlorine I worry about stagnant water growing unwanted bacteria. I figured moving water is better, plus the silica sitting at the bottom won't get into the plants sitting there.
OK, awesome I wasn't sure if it would cause a problem with bacteria building. This is a nice 1, how long is the power cord on it?
Power cord is 5-6ft and cord from controller to heater is 3-4ft. The heating element is a little bigger then a 5gal bucket, which is kinda a pain since I use buckets as my rez for a couple weeks. But works well in my regular tub