Hairs won’t turn or recede

Jan 10, 2022
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I apologize to anyone who has gone through this grow with me and fielded my many questions…..I promise this one will be the last for these plants.
The specs:
3 Super Skunk autos
Soil—100% FF Ocean Forest
Light— HLG 320 led
Pots—3 gallon fabric
Nutes—have lightly used FF bloom nutes
Temp/RH—middle of the road the entire
grow….mid70f and currently
35-40% rh
So I am going into week 18 with these plants….full on flowering for 13 weeks.
My big mistake was defoliating too much about a month ago. I got carried away and whacked way way too many. This caused stress which caused many of the remaining leaves (both fan and sugar) to yellow and/or die off. But the progress was painfully slow before that happened.
The 3 plants are all quite different but same strain and same seed pack.
At the moment I’ve turned the lights back to 11/13 and lowered my lights out temps to low 60s.
Plant 1 looks ripe and has been this way for over 2 weeks….but until 2 days ago had almost no amber trichs. They are finally appearing and quickly. She either gets chopped or goes into 36-48 hrs of darkness tomorrow. I’ll take advice on the whole 48hr dark process If anyone feels inclined.
Plant seems 95% ripe and still has some leaves….almost all are yellow but not dead. She still has a very few white hairs and some brown hairs that haven’t receded but all in all looks decent. This morning I finally saw some amber trichs showing up on some of the calyces and the internal bud structure. So I think a week or so and she’ll be just right.
Plant #3 is the problem…and of course she’s the biggest. She has almost no leaves left…they’re dying off quickly. She has a random amber trich, a few clears and mostly milky. But the hairs (stigmata I guess) just won’t turn brown all the way and refuse to recede. So I’ve got this hairy budded plant and I’m worried about the leaf die off. I’m keeping rh low to avoid bud rot and mold.
I’ve searched high and low for any info on buds that have these hair issues but there isn’t any.
She has looked almost exactly like this for weeks…..and some of those brown hairs are 5-6 weeks old.
What’s up folks?
U should be able to differentiate between the 3 plants in the pics.
At this point I think it’s safe to ignore the pistils. Some white pistils are to be expected when you harvest. Main thing is trichs. All 3 look to be nearly finished and the leaves are turning brown and falling off because they’re eating them. Totally normal. I have a plant at 81 days right now that still has tons of white pistils but trichs are mostly cloudy with an even amount of clear and amber. But her leaves are turning purple and yellow and starting to fall off. I’m gonna give her another week or so and see where she’s at.
Btw, I think I told you this last time but they all look good. Nice grow.
Correct me if im wrong but the white hair growth is do to the foxtailing that has begun on those sweet buds. Definitely watch the trics they will tell you when its done.
Do they smell super skunky?? I want to run some stinky ass skunky plants as soon as possible...
They look normal to me. They might be done. Not all strains amber readily. The cool temps will slow ripening as well.
You're doing great mate!!
Just check the trichomes and harvest accordingly. :thumbsup:
I was gonna chop the chunky plant today but backed out…..I decided to take a couple buds and give my dry room a preliminary run. They’re slowly ambering up, I’d like to see at least 20%.
I’m hoping my drying setup is gonna give them a slow dry.
My concern is with almost no leaves left they’re gonna dry to fast. I have a cellar type space in my basement that stays 56-58f and I’ve got the rh dialed in at 55-60%. Have 2 small fans stirring the air around gently. I can’t imagine a better scenario….but we’ll see.
By the way, I was curious how much weight the buds will lose from drying. So I put these 2 small pieces on the scales and was surprised they weighed 23grams. They are super dense and hard as a rock. With any luck they may total 4 grams once they’re dried fully. I hope so….I may a good bit more of a harvest than I expected. I do know that thick dense buds can weigh a lot more than it appears.
Do they smell super skunky?? I want to run some stinky ass skunky plants as soon as possible...
Well this is my first indoor grow. I grew plenty yrs ago but it was all started inside under fluorescents and moved to the mountains. And lemme tell ya, my luck far exceeded my skill level. Blessed with some fertile sites and got lucky and only lost 1 out of every 10-12 plants to the animals. This was 1989-1997 Skunk #1 seeds from Amsterdam….my buddy, who was the brains of the operation, learned to clone and we had the fire for a good while.
Anyway, as for the smell, it seemed like they started stinking up the room around week 4-5 of flower. I was getting worried that I was gonna have to buy a carbon filter. Then for some reason the strong smell kinda went away. Now if you touch a bud the smell on your fingers is pure cat piss and burnt rubber….with a slight sweetness to it. I really hope I can dry and cure so that it will have that dank aroma.
I do have a powerful exhaust that likely takes some of the smell out of the room….but I thought the smell would be a much bigger issue.
I will report that my fingers felt like they had super glue on them today just from handling those two small nuggets that I picked and hung to dry. I washed them in hot hot water and soap and they were still sticky and smelly.
Oh one last thing….you are correct that all 3 plants have now thrown off a wave of serious little dreadlock foxtails. The plant closest to ripe did it big time and really added some heft to the buds.
And damned if the hairy plant isn’t now growing similar looking calyces……although instead of them spitting out thick heavy white stigmata (or pistils…whatever….white hairs will do) like before the calyx is barely opening and a tiny little hair that quickly turns orange is all that comes out.
It may be hard to visualize but all I know is I can’t take another wave of massive calyces puking out white ropes that take 2-3 weeks to turn color.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m always available for opinions if u ever need one.