Growing in coco small autos

Sounds Ike you may need to replace the carbon filter. I am not sure how to do a fix myself. Also, make sure you get that humidity down asap or you'll start to deal with mold.
Yeah mate i think i may have been hanging carbon filter too low. Since giving my plants calmag they have started to look better (also doing the runoff thing you said) I do have a very funny feeling it was ph related tho as for the first 10 days I would give normal water at 8.5 which would drastically effect the ph of the coco and whenever I saw a burn I would instantly flush with normally none altered tap water (ph8.5) which would bring it back up aswell. ever since I flushed with 25% nutes rather than normal water to keep the ph lower I have found them looking a lot better. I have bought some ph - aswell from here This uses Phosphoric acid is this okay for the first 10 days after sprouting? so baso first days where i just give the seedlings water. Or would this be too much phosphorus for them?:pass:
If you're just using it to slightly drop your PH then yes it's fine. I water every 2 days until runoff (about 10%) and I use water straight from the tap, I then mix my nutrients, stir, add my CalMag, stir, then any additives, stir, then I check the PH and correct to keep it between 5.7-6.2 then I water my girls. For Seedlings, straight water for like the first week. If you start noticing some yellowing in the leafs, she's begging you for Nitrogen of which id start adding almost half strength
What you are seeing is a result of a combination of things. To try to pun point one thing right now is almost impossible. Since your plant is in flower you will not see any improvements on the leaf condition.. You can only hope/try to stop the spread of the issue. I didn't see anything posted about your feeding.. What ppm/ec is the feed, how many ml per gallon etc.. Bagged coco is buffered so that the ph of the coco stays in range.. I think you guys are confusing the ph of the coco with the ph of the water/feed used.. Two totally different things.. You need to start with the basics like checking the ppm/ec of the run off.. Same with the ph.. Check the ppm and ph of your feeds/nutrient mix.. If the plant is feeding correctly, the ppm of the run off should be a lot lower than the ppm of the nutrient mix.. Coco is like hydro.. It's up to you to control every aspect of the grow. One single imbalance can throw the whole thing off.
Sensi A/B will put the ph to 6.0 I've found. Even at 2-3ml per litre my pH meter would stop dead at 6.0 everytime. My water is 7.7-8.1 typically.
What you are seeing is a result of a combination of things. To try to pun point one thing right now is almost impossible. Since your plant is in flower you will not see any improvements on the leaf condition.. You can only hope/try to stop the spread of the issue. I didn't see anything posted about your feeding.. What ppm/ec is the feed, how many ml per gallon etc.. Bagged coco is buffered so that the ph of the coco stays in range.. I think you guys are confusing the ph of the coco with the ph of the water/feed used.. Two totally different things.. You need to start with the basics like checking the ppm/ec of the run off.. Same with the ph.. Check the ppm and ph of your feeds/nutrient mix.. If the plant is feeding correctly, the ppm of the run off should be a lot lower than the ppm of the nutrient mix.. Coco is like hydro.. It's up to you to control every aspect of the grow. One single imbalance can throw the whole thing off.
Sensi A/B will put the ph to 6.0 I've found. Even at 2-3ml per litre my pH meter would stop dead at 6.0 everytime. My water is 7.7-8.1 typically.
If you're just using it to slightly drop your PH then yes it's fine. I water every 2 days until runoff (about 10%) and I use water straight from the tap, I then mix my nutrients, stir, add my CalMag, stir, then any additives, stir, then I check the PH and correct to keep it between 5.7-6.2 then I water my girls. For Seedlings, straight water for like the first week. If you start noticing some yellowing in the leafs, she's begging you for Nitrogen of which id start adding almost half strength
cheers to you lot after adding cal mag 1ml/L and making it so the pots aint sitting in water they started to look a lot better ive been feeding every other day and i think its working so far. the leafs have turned a lot more green and overall i think they are doing very well. My question is how long should I carry on using cal mag/how much. I have moderately hard water and the ppm is 140 ik that's about half of what i said originally but that's because i didnt do a very accurate check. I have also been giving my plants enough water to where by there is a 20% run off so normally a bit more than 1.5-1.6. oveall tho they are looking a lot better and the bugs have started to get a lot bigger.:smokeit:
Oh yes, tap water can vary a ton. I should have mentioned mine reads around 205ppm with lots of carbonate. A pretty strong ph buffer so dropping to 6.0 is significant. Speaks to the strength of the AN Sensi line. However, since your water is less ppm and without a water analysis, I would highly recommend checking ph at least a few times to make sure it stays stable.

I have not tried coco so I am not knowledgeable but, I think I read ph should be a little under 6.0 so you may need to ph down a bit.
Oh yes, tap water can vary a ton. I should have mentioned mine reads around 205ppm with lots of carbonate. A pretty strong ph buffer so dropping to 6.0 is significant. Speaks to the strength of the AN Sensi line. However, since your water is less ppm and without a water analysis, I would highly recommend checking ph at least a few times to make sure it stays stable.

I have not tried coco so I am not knowledgeable but, I think I read ph should be a little under 6.0 so you may need to ph down a bit.
cheers mate will do. Ive got a ph tester and ph down on its way.
Oh yes, tap water can vary a ton. I should have mentioned mine reads around 205ppm with lots of carbonate. A pretty strong ph buffer so dropping to 6.0 is significant. Speaks to the strength of the AN Sensi line. However, since your water is less ppm and without a water analysis, I would highly recommend checking ph at least a few times to make sure it stays stable.

I have not tried coco so I am not knowledgeable but, I think I read ph should be a little under 6.0 so you may need to ph down a bit.
For us COCO Coir growers, I highly suggest you stick to a PH level between like 5.8 and 6.5. I like to get it right at 6.2. I use CalMag with every feeding personally.