Sweet Seeds From Seed To Smoke.

Apr 21, 2014
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So this will be my first grow using auto flowers. I have dabbled in the past with photosensitive strains with good results using HID lighting, but sadly where I am at the moment it is not possible to grow using all the equipment that's needed.

The original plan was a strictly outdoor garden grow, but due to the poor weather lately here in the UK I have invested in a 150w CFL to help get the plants underway before transferring outside when hopefully summer arrives and we start to see some sun rather then grey clouds and rain.

The seeds as the title suggests is part of the red family from Sweet Seeds,
the Dark Devil. Theses where bought via Herbies and arrived within two days in discreet packaging. And came with a free Northen Lights X Big Bud. I will definitely be using this company again. You can find both Sweet Seeds and Herbies websites in the links below.

Sweet Seeds

Nice Bro First One In.:9:
I will be growing theses in 20ltr / 5 gallon plant pots. Starting with one seed under the 150w CFL in till the plant reaches a good enough size to be placed outside 15/20 days or so then germinating another seed and giving that 15/20 days indoors under the CFL so by the time the second plant is ready for the great outdoors the first plant should be ruffly half way through its grow cycle or thereabouts. I will then leave it another two possible three weeks before starting another seed indoors. To give myself some type of rotation and repeat this in till the weather turns again latter in the year.

By then I hope to have yielded enough for my own supply to see me throughout the winter. UK prices have forced me back into growing as a proper weighed out 8th around here has hit £40 and even then the quality at times is less then great.

So as long as I achieve half an ounce dry between all the plants. This
converted into money I would have spent buying will have paid back what I have invested so far and everything on top of this is free.

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The seeds came well packaged. Though I wont show how they were delivered.


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Starting indoors,

Take one wardrobe
and bleach well.


This cupboard I split in half and boarded it out enough to fit the 20ltr pot and light while still enabling me to close the doors.


Next up was the light itself. The CFL has a E27 socket and I just so happened to have an old light with this type of socket laying around unused that would work perfectly well with a bit of modification.


So out came the hacksaw and after cutting back part of the housing I was left with a socket I could now screw the large bulb into.


Now all that was missing was some type of reflector. So I went to town to see what I could find that was suitable enough to use. I came across the disposable aluminum backing trays while in one shop and instantly thought I could come up with a suitable reflector out of it. It may not be the best item to use but has to be better then nothing.

In my attempt to make this work I went through two of the three trays, but on the last attempt got it how I wanted and it looks okay too. I then reattached
the light to the pole so I can now adjust the light up and down without having to suspend it from the wardrobe ... What do you think?


Now placed back inside the wardrobe. I will be at some point putting black and white sheeting up but its not that important right now.



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Nice Bro First One In.:9:

Fastest poster on the forum swampman :grin: didn't even get to refresh the page before you replied lol
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Pot size 20ltrs / 5 gallon Jacks magic

Pot size 20ltrs / 5 gallon
Jacks-magic purpose compost
3 to 1 perlite
"Jack's Magic All Purpose Compost blends the finest 100% natural ingredients to create a pure and balanced growing medium, which produces super natural growth and exceptional health for plants and blooms all around your house and garden. Jack's Magic is a specially formulated peat based compost enriched with organic fertiliser to feed your plants for the first 4-5 weeks after potting. Jack's magical formula includes a natural seaweed extract that improves seed germination & establishment, improves root development, enhances flower, fruit and vegetable quality, builds long lasting plant vitality"

John Innes seed sowing compost
"Perfect for bringing seeds to life. For fast, healthy seed germination. Feeds for the first 3 weeks. Balanced nutrient supply for seedlings. Easy to water and re-wet. High loam content acts as a buffer for nutrients"

I will be buying some plant magic old-timers grow and bloom in the next 2/3 weeks, which I will start to feed at a low dose once the pistils have shown. Till then it will just be water and kept indoors under a 150w CFL.

This has to be the second best day of a grow for me... Germination.

I only have enough space for two large plants outdoors. I did not want to spend to much time, money and effort and end up with a 12" plant that only produced grams. (though could still happen) Which is why I went for the largest pot I could get, to really give the plant enough room to grow and hopefully produce enough bud in its short life. So rather then do two seeds in one hit I have started one tonight and when this plant is placed outside I will then start another seed. Then when I harvest the first plant I will already have another seed underway inside and the plan is to keep this going over the summer harvesting a plant every 4/5 weeks in till the winter shows up.

Simple damp kitchen roll with seed in the middle placed on a plate, covered in cling film, wrapped in a black bin bag
and then onto the top of the boiler for 2/3 days. Its never failed before.


I also prepped the soil tonight, I riddled both soils to remove all the bits, then added perlite at a ratio of 3 to 1 to the jacks-magic but I did not include the perlite with the john innes soil. Using a 4ltr pot I placed in the center and built up the outer soil of jacks around this then removed it replacing with the john innes soil in the middle. I hope this will stop any issue with the jacks-magic soil being to hot for a young seedling.


That is it for now. The next time i update there should be signs of life :thumbs:
Loojing Good Man ill Keep on Watching...

With Organics Man Just have Patience....I just learned a huge Lesson bro ...i finally Had enuff
Growing 8 plants at a time ..I forgot One In the Back and Would only care for her on Sundays ...
Turns Out the Best Resin and THC packed buds from an AUTO EVER...

PICS will prove it....Leave em.alone...Let em drink Barely....
Organics will do what its suppose to ...

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This Is a Sweet Seeds Cream Manderine ...
The Most Potent Auto ....
Now that its Cured it tops My Dragons ...but i havent grow a.Dragon this way either ...So thats my future test....
Let them Dry alot before harvest too ...really pulls them.ladies
Taking a seat on another Dark Devil Grow...should be really cool to see some Outdoor action.

Great light fixture life hack!
What a total balls up on two accounts!

First the board I used was from a wardrobe the lady upstairs had broken up and chucked outside, it had been left outside over night in the rain before I got to it. but seemed dry enough to use having had other parts of the wardrobe on top of it. After installing it a couple of days later I noticed a coating building up along the bottom below pot level and on rubbing my finger on it - it came back white.

SO I ripped it out and on inspecting it I noticed tiny insects moving around already inside the wood. So it has been chucked back outside now. Glad I caught it before it had a chance to get really bad. The whole set up was cleaned top to bottom again and I have now used black and white sheeting to line the walls and to make a makeshift wall too.

The second balls up. I germinated the seed and it showed within 12 hours. Only a very tiny bit but the seed had cracked and white root was showing. Decided to leave it and give it 48hrs and let the root get to about a 1/2 inch in size.

Next morning I went to check the seed as I couldn't wait for the evening only to find the plate so hot I could barely touch it. The seed and the root was still the same size as it was the day before. So I decided to plant it and hope for the best.

Its had 3 days in soil with the light over it and nothing, so I dug it up this morning to find the seed still the same size as after the first 12hrs.

Its not a good idea to cook your seeds as they wont grow and you just kill them before you start :no:

Seed has now been binned and I am starting over from today, only this time I wont be putting it on top of the boiler :grin:

I have spent so much time and effort to get everything as right as possible only to go and mess it up like that. Still we had a slight frost a few nights ago, so maybe this set back is a good thing as it will allow the night time temps to rise a little bit over the next few weeks. Here is hoping for a better start to life for seed number 2
It's all learning curve...don't beat yourself up....

Now there are two things you will never do again. You can check them off the list. :)

Heck, I had my last two seeds in a paper towel and a ziploc resting on top of the water heater...

No I learned from your experience too.

(Now I know to just put them on the wifi router...;)
Hi mate!

It was looking very good, looving the improvisation... And it's a shame that you're now having difficulties...

Don't give up, all the best and sweet smokes!
