First AFN PH Test results.


Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
We said we would give you Actual/factual Test results before we Recommended treatments to raise your PH.

This is our First..from stylez..:thumbs:..if you have any questions feel free to ask him.

Olive Capsule Testing
This will be a thread for my olive capsule testing, just received them today, thanks Aunty:thumbs: I think I will start off with 2 a day at 250mg each for a couple days, and then up it to 3 a day, until they disappear. :D

I have changed a couple things in my diet; no soda, most sugars, no coffee, much more fruits, I am not a drinker so alcohol isnt a facter, and I dont eat much meat, and have upped my greens intake. Also, I have become a real big fan of Green Tea, it is now my new favorite drink. I figure I wont get to drastic with changes, because I want to see if these capsules make a significant difference.
First Day of Olive Capsules.

Date: Jan 12, 2013
Ph: 5.9 (2nd pee of the day)

Scores: 1- 10 scale.

Pain score: 4 (elbow pains)
Mood score: 6 ( didnt get much sleep)
Energy score: 6

Positive Effects: not yet only first day
Negative effects: none yet, first day

Comments: Not much to state at this time, took my first 250mg Olive capsule this morning at 230 this morning before work.
Amost immediate Energy gain..the same reported by JM and his Mom.

Thats what happened:roflcry: I thought I just got a burst of energy, I just got done cleaning the basement up, wanted to do that since summer. My girl came down and asked me what I was doing and then she just gave me a strange look and walked away. That usually doesnt happen when I get off of working a long morning.

I had so much energy after lunch:thumbup: and still right now, I would usually feel beat down:thumbdown:at this time, I still got energy.

My Ph went up a whole point in just over 12 hours after the first dose. Its reading 6.9 as of this evening.

Day 2 of OliveLeaf Capsules.

Date: Jan 13, 2013
Ph: 6.0 (7:00 am) 6.5 (2:30pm)

Scores: 1- 10 scale.

Pain score: 5 (elbow pains)
Mood score: 8 (slept like a rock:thumbs:not moody one bit, not feeling irritated, having a great day, physically, mental comes and goes)
Energy score: 9 (very high energy, havent been able to wrestle around with my kids for such a long period, we got some good wrestling around in today. I could keep going, if I didnt believe they were trying to really hurt me:crying:)

Positive Effects: physically feel great, and i feel I could go all day. ( take that however).
Negative effects: This probably isnt negative, but I seem to have to urine more often today.

Comments: I have noticed over the first 2 days, that as the day goes on, my PH raises, which makes sense to me, because I havent felt sluggish as the day goes.
My PH went up a whole point towards the end of the day yesterday. I have already checked twice today and I will check one more time this evening to see if it really is raising up as the hours go by.

More than normal peeing is the first sign that the detoxing is starting to work.

Day 3 of OliveLeaf Capsules.

Date: Jan 14, 2013
Ph: 6.0 (7:00 am) , 6.8 (4:30pm)

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 3 (not feeling much pain today ).
Mood score: 9 (not feeling irritated at all today, had a good day.)
Energy score: 8 ( just relaxed today, monday is my sunday, when it comes to my work schedule.) Need days like that once in a while

Positive Effects: Urinated alot again today. No ill effects at all taking these capsules
Negative effects: NONE

Comments: Will swallow my last of the day capsule right before I hit the pillow. My stool for the last two days hasnt been very solid, I will take that as toxins coming out Other than that, nothing to really comment on. I will continue to take 2 capsules a day, until Day 6, then I will up it to 3 capsules @ 250mg a shot. This Saturday coming up I will start the ALA to compliment my OliveLeaf Capsules.

Day 4 of OliveLeaf Capsules.

Date: Jan 15, 2013
Ph: 6.2 (8:30 am) , 6.9 (5:00pm)

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 7 (my elbows giving me some problems at work)
Mood score: 8 (was in a good mood for the most part, no irritation and I seemed to have alot of patience with things)
Energy score: 8 ( besides working my arse off this morning I was still able to come home and horse play with the kiddies, and even move some furniture for the misses.

Positive Effects: Good energy today, still urinating more than usual, and stool this morning was alittle more solid, but still had some looseness to it.
Negative effects: NONE

Comments: I was sweating more than usual at work, especially this time of year. Where I work the outside temp, is right on par with the inside. Not sure if that has anything to do with the OL caps or not. Will take my last capsule before I sleep, tomorrow will be the last day for 2 and Thursday I will up it to 3 capsules a day, then Friday I will start to add the ALA Also I have stopped drinking my water, and we have a case of bottled water, which I havent tested PH yet, also have a buddy who is setting me up with a bunch of different bicarb drinks to try to see which ones I like, from his job.

*side note: most likely my mood might be dropping, I only have one days worth of meds (smoke) left, until I harvest in 2 to 3 weeks. So we will see how that affects things

Day 5 of OliveLeaf Capsules.

Date: Jan 16, 2013
Ph: 5.2 (8:30 am) , 6.8 (5:00pm)

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 7 (my elbows giving me some problems at work)
Mood score: 6 (wasnt the worst day, but definitely was a great day, not sure why but I was in a pissy mood most of the day)
Energy score: 8 ( had good energy, my muscles are feeling alot looser, besides joint pains, I worked hard this morning with alot of energy, maybe that is cause I was moody and had some stored up energy.

Positive Effects: I seem to eat alot more since taking these, a bigger appetite, is what I should say
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all

Comments: Not much to say, I would like to say, when I was drinking soda, I would always get this side pain on the right side It has been a month since I had any soda at all and I was working this morning and just noticed that I couldnt remember the last time I felt that pain. Thats good stuff right there

Side note**** My PH rose quite a bit throughout the day. Had to check my calibration on my pen just to make sure. It was right, just thought that is a pretty significant jump.
Day 6 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now)

Date: Jan 17, 2013
Ph: 5.3 (8:00 am) , 6.8 (5:00pm) (almost exact as yesterday)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. 30 F

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 6 (my elbows giving me some problems at work)
Mood score: 6 (it was a day. need to free my mind a bit, it is dampering my mood)
Energy score: 8 ( Definitely can feel a difference since I have started these.)

Positive Effects: lots of energy, has me feeling physically able
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all

Comments: Just that today I started taking 3 caps a day, tomorrow morning will be my first ALA day.

Day 7 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now) 1st day of ALA

Date: Jan 18, 2013
Ph: 5.5 (8:00 am) , 7.0 (5:00pm) raising up a bit.
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. 31 F

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 3 <--------big difference. barely any pain
Mood score: 7 ( not a bad day)
Energy score: 8 ( Definitely can feel a difference since I have started these.)

Positive Effects: lots of energy, has me feeling physically able, definitely felt a big boost of energy today.
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all

Comments: Took my first ALA today, after these OL capsules are gone, I will continue to take them, will be ordering some for myself.
I didn't even realize this was here. I'm loving taking Olive Leaf. I have such an amount of energy.

Another members comment confirming the Energy Boosting Effect..

Day 8 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now) 2nd day of ALA

Date: Jan 19, 2013
Ph: 6.9 (8:00 am) , 6.9 (5:00pm) I can dig those readings
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. 26 F

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 3 <--------keeping the pain score down

Mood score: 8 ( was in a real good mood today),
Energy score: 9 ( Definitely can feel a difference since I have started these.) Felt like I could pick up the world at work this morning

Positive Effects: lots of energy, has me feeling physically able, the energy has been staying up for me.
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all

Comments: These are working great for me. Aunty where were you 5 years ago:crack:

Day 9 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now) 3rd day of ALA

Date: Jan 20, 2013
Ph: 6.8 (8:00 am) , 7.0 (5:00pm)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. No work this morning

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 0 <--------no physical activity today = no pain

Mood score: 9 (relaxful and peaceful day today)
Energy score: 9 ( Didnt use any but I had some to use, if I needed too)

Positive Effects: My insides feel opened up more, if that makes sense. Hard to explain how it feels.
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all Still nothing negative at all.

Comments: Not much new. Feeling pretty good though.
Day 10 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now) 4th day of ALA

Date: Jan 21, 2013
Ph: 6.8 (8:00 am) , 7.2 (5:00pm)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. No work this morning

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 0 No issues today, felt good

Mood score: 9 another good day.
Energy score: 9 ( did alot around the house today, and actually felt like doing it)

Positive Effects: Since I have started doing this, I havent had one bad night of sleep (no tossing and turning, and it isnt taking me that long to actually fall asleep), besides the kids craming in throughout the evening.
Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all Still nothing negative at all.

Comments: Physically felt good, now if I could just get my mind to stop racing around. I have had lots of things running through my mind as of lately. This OL and ALA testing has done wonders for me, I can feel it in the inside. I would definitely recommend, this to anyone having illness issues or PH problems or anything of the sort. Aunty I will be preaching this stuff, to my fellow coworkers, checking there PH levels and getting into the right range, especially for these winter months and the work we do.
Day 11 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (3 capsules a day now) 5th day of ALA

Date: Jan 22, 2013
Ph: 5.7 (8:00 am) , 7.3 (5:00pm)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. Windchill below Zero

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 8 (elbows just barely bearable)
Mood score: 6 (just in a plain old pissy mood today, not one of my best days)
Energy score: 8 ( good energy, besides the rest, I physically felt good)

Positive Effects: Since I have started doing this, I havent had one bad night of sleep (no tossing and turning, and it isnt taking me that long to actually fall asleep), besides the kids craming in throughout the evening.

Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all Still nothing negative at all.

Comments: Nothing new, just going day by day

Day only

This morning Ph 6.8
This afternoon Ph 7.3

Day 13 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (2 capsules a day now) 6th day of ALA

Date: Jan 24, 2013
Ph: 6.9 (8:00 am) , 7.3 (5:00pm)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. Windchill, 10 below 0

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 5 (not bad today, even with it so cold out)
Mood score: 9 (I was in a playful mood today, my lady asked me what the hell was wrong with me, all I said was)
Energy score: 9

Positive Effects: Since I have started doing this, I havent had one bad night of sleep. I feel like a different person when it comes to my mood lately , this has really helped me.

Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all Still nothing negative at all.

Comments: The only comment I have is thank you all for the kharma and good thoughts

Day 14 of OliveLeaf Capsules. (2 capsules a day now) 7th day of ALA.

Date: Jan 25, 2013
Ph: 6.8 (8:00 am) , 7.3(5:00pm)
** since cold drops PH, I will document the temp @ work. 11 F

Scores: 1- 10 scale. 10 being the highest...

Pain score: 6 (cold got the better of me today)
Mood score: 9 (another good day)
Energy score: 9

Positive Effects: Since I have started doing this, I havent had one bad night of sleep. I feel like a different person when it comes to my mood lately , this has really helped me.Would like to also add, I havent been sick or had any symptoms of getting sick, even through all the sickness my kids have had this winter so far. Definitely a plus, cause I cant afford to be off work. Hope I didnt just curse myself. Keep it tight AFN

Negative effects: NONE, havent notice any negative effects at all Still nothing negative at all.

Comments: Today was the last day for all capsules, now I will just be alkalising my water, 3-5 glasses a day. Will check my Ph every couple of days, and will just post results in the Ph section. Thank you Aunty for introducing me to these capsules and all the info you have given out. It is much appreciated, and most likely by not just me:thumbs::grat: Let me see if you can feel this
Peace on Earth and One Love to All. This was a great experience and definitely life changing for me. So many things out there I have no clue about, but I promise my kids will know about all of this.

Great work bro...deserves some max rep..:slap: too for all your hard work....:slap:

Mamy thanks
Thank you Duggy, it has definitely been a positive experience, I feel sooo much better:thumbs:

Since I was in the warm house and not at work it the cold this morning I checked my Ph this morning. :pee: 7.1 this morning. :thumbs: Gonna stay on the alkalising booster, religiously, now that I know I have acidic well water. Thanks again
Anyone wishing to Follow is a list of recommendations..

The first step we need to do in returning you to self-healing is detox.
For this we would Recommend 3 x 250 mg olive leaf capsules..
(up to 1,500 mg is the recognised safe daily dosage..)

These are the Best Olive Leaf capsule prices that we can find... :thumbs:..if you know better..let us know

US and Canada..

UK Europe

We would also recommend at least 1 Alkalising drink a day as a Quick Start for the Detox stage.

This is a level teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda in the UK..or Baking Soda in the US mixed in a tumbler of water..

Bicarb is available in most super markets and is the simplest..cheapest way to give yourself a PH Boost...:thumbs:

The ALA you see mentioned after the first week is Alpha Lipoic Acid @ 600 mg's.
ALA opens up the periferal circulation and restores the micro blood supply to the nerves.

I'd Personally recommend it to ALL med is so can actually detect the effect by tingling fingers and toes signalling the circulation returning right from the first tablet you take.

USA and Canada,aps,379&rh=i:aps,k:swanson alpha lipoic acid

UK Europe alpha lipoic acid
@Aunty, I just read through it again, and it amazes me how from the first day I was so low in so many ways, physically, mental, etc. and throughout the days, it just got better and better. Blows my mind:shrug:

You are :point::slap: Amazes me too..I had to Edit most of the Smilies out of your original posts..but you can actually Read you getting better and loosening up as you go along...:D

Now you know why I wanted PH Figures and Score you get Well you start to forget how Unwell you felt at the start..:thumbs:

Blows my mind:shrug:
Because it is Too Simple to be you wouldn't have believed me if I told you it could make this much change two weeks ago...
Doing an order today

@ stylez and Aunty Mossy:clap::clap::clap:....:grat:
I'm just getting permission to post the Bicarb/alkalising Test might wanna consider this as a complementry to the Olive Leaf capsules too..:thumbs:..because it is the Cheapest option.

A tub of Bicarb should be no more than $1..lasts for ages and is Effective.

Seeing both in operation individually makes me confident that Combined they will be the Detox Quick Start that we need to start feeling Well...Fast
Lovely information don...Thank You...:clap:

I have tried the fish oil myself further back in my is Good..but I didn't get any pronounced difference in feeling my circulation increase like I do with the ALA. was early in my personal journey when I was Experimenting and didn't really Know what I was doing.

It Certainly gives us some more homeworking avenues..options....:clap: