Sweet Seeds Fast Version F1- Green Poison®F1FV, Sweet Special®F1FV, y Cream Caramel®F1FV.


An important wire from the race director, he has some important notice to tell us:

"Good everyone, this week a storm has shootdown a power light tower and it is too dangerous to continue with the race. That's why the pilots have left the circuit behind the safety car and are waiting in the paddock until the problem be solved in order to continue with the race.
It also caused a cut in the power supply in the entire circuit so the cameras are disabled to continue broadcasting the Grand Prize until further notice."

That's all for now folks, don't go very far away from the circuit.

(IMPORTANT: I had a problem with my hard drive and the whole team is trying to recover the pics i have from this grow.
By the moment, the ones from the end of the race are safe so, if there is no chance to recover all of them, i'll jump directly to that point to show you those pics, which are worthy of being on a catalog.* In a few days i'll come back with more news.

Cheers and apologies for this inconvenience, I hope you've brought enough joints to hold on here, in short some courtesy cool drinks will be offered in the stands ;)
Dominas999, thanks for the comments and passing by ;)

Well, thank you guys for being here, it seems it will not be possible to rebroadcast the entire race and, as you can image, we are not so happy about it.

I have a couple of pics of the whole team, passing trough the finish line on laps 3th and 5th. I couldn't tell who is winning, the 3 of them are very close.



Soon we'll upload pics of the podium, minutes before they pick up the trophy, so you can see they are real champs ;)
Sweet smokes!
Nice jay! Hey they look like they are all winning the race! :smokebuds: looking sweeeeeet!

Hi everyone, I want to show the photos of the 3 winners, because the three teams managed to go beyond the finish line just two weeks ahead their older sisters, so we can name the 3 teams as winners ;)

The first crossing the finish line was the super fast Green Poison, with an amazing timing of only 40 days achieved by 2 of the plants of this team, the next and followed closely by the Special Sweet was the Cream Caramel Team, who is the protagonist of this update.

In flowering time, they were the ones who gave me more difficulties at feeding, showing excesses in two plants, while the other specimens were easier, getting to have limits around EC 1.4, more than enough for these champions.

Growth has been very little branched , the buds are really hard and frosty. The smell is somewhat more acidic than a normal Cream Caramel, or at least is what I 've noticed in these ones in particular. The high is strong and heavy, they are highly recommended as medicinal plants.
After 50 days of flowering, I have cutted them all gradually.

And now, the photos I've been able to recover. I am sorry i can't show you the other ones, they are at the limbo of computing.
Hope you enjoy this champions's final lap.










Thanks for watching and sweet smokes!
See you next update!

Well, it's time to go to the next team, a champion in every way.
They are really fast plants, very vigorous and extremely resinous. The smell is wonderful and the flowers are really dense and have good quality frosty buds.
She is a big eater, but giving her the maximum dose of organic fert and bio stimulator during all the flowering i've obtained dense and highly aromatic buds.
I have used 5 ml of Bioflores and 4 ml of Bioboost in every watering, at flowering stage.

In just 40 days, these plants are able of forming fully mature flowers with very few leaves, making them really easy to manicure.
Due to its columnar structure, it is recommended to use rods that support the weight of the buds, otherwise they end up lying under their own weight .

I noticed a little difference with her ​​older sister, I was pleasantly surprised to find a new phenotype, with a nuance in the smell and taste, a bit of citrus, which gives lots of body to the smoke.
This plant is very nice to smoke and the effects are felt quickly in the body and your eyes, resulting in a very relaxed state, ideal for late hours, when the body demands rest.

A genetic recommended to everyone who is looking for an intense flavor with hints of sweet fruits, full-bodied, easy to grow, with good and dense flowers and really fast!
She is a mountain of THC!

Hope you enjoy the last round of photos from Green Alonso I have been able to recover after the disaster..

Greetings and, of course, thank you for the visit and the company!







The public is looking forward the pass through the finish line of the last team. I've pleasantly surprised at finding lovely tonalities in their buds and trichomes. So i'm quite eager to share it with you.

They are medium size plants, forming a large central bud all frozen of trichomes. At most I've had specimens of about 65 cm.
In race they have behaved really well and with a small amount of fertilizer they have had very good, dense flowers. Keep in mind that I have not forgotten to add flower Bio stimulator every time their tank was refueled.
The maximum EC I have given them was 1.2 and I think that was enough, as they have a very short flowering. I've harvested between 7 and 8 weeks from the time change to 12/12.
It is quite difficult to define its smell and taste, a mixture of acid and spicy, but sweet .. strawberry gum or cola, don't know something really difficult to shape in words.
I quite like it and the amount of trichomes is amazing too, so this is a plant that has it all: good production of trichomes, of buds, with a taste for fine palates and really beautiful to behold.

These photos I'm going to show are from a week before cutting, so still remains a little more fattening and yellowing of the foliage.

Prepare for the final round of pictures, because there is a good amount of recovered photos .. I hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for passing and have been part of this Grand Prix ;)






