Seed Stockers Fanboy Grows thunder banana and Apollo black Cherry

Germination Start Day
  • Pigskin Fanboy

    Cultivators Club
    Sep 19, 2021
    Reaction score
    Currently Smoking
    Non Smoker
    This will be my diary of the Seed Stockers Rucu Cucu OG Photoperiod/Feminized
    Tangie x OG Kush

    Dropped 2 seeds to soak late today. Will be planting 1 of them into Rockwool and 1 into an EZ-Gro Plug in the morning.

    I’m going to run one in a 5gal DWC bucket, most likely will be running House & Garden Aqua Flakes nutrient line. It will be going directly into a rockwool cube in the morning and instead of using Hydroton I will be using a new-to-me product called Arqlite Smart Gravel in the net pot.
    I was giving up all soil grows until next year but since this has the potential to be a beast I'm going to run one in soil also. Not sure on the nutrient line for the soil yet. Will be pondering on that for a few days.
    I have Gold Leaf, Foop and Fox Farms Trio at the moment but not sold on either line yet. Open for suggestions. :cheers:
    Look forward to seeing what I can do with these :woohoo:

    Thanks again Mark :thanks:
    Did not germinate !!
  • Unfortunate update, neither Rucu Cucu germinated for me. I have one Rucu Cucu P/F seed left and going to back up and punt with these for now. More to follow when I figure out a game plan.
    I dropped multiple strains at the same time and all have germinated without issue. I do have a Thunder banana and an Apollo Black Cherry that are doing great and most likely will run the Thunder Banana in DWC and the Apollo Black Cherry in one of my new GroBuckets.
    Last edited:
    Early Flower
  • Good Afternoon Y’all! :toke:
    Week 5 Day #35
    Thunder Banana DWC and Apollo Black Cherry in Soil/GroBucket system.

    The TB is Growing up some and stretching out. Almost 10” at this point.
    She was fed lightly from the House & Garden Aqua nutrient line schedule @1/2 Week 4 last Thursday.
    Mixed : A-12ml,B-12ml, Amino-2ml,Roots-2ml, boost-2ml,Zen-8ml
    PH 5.7
    EC .6
    PPM 300
    Temp water 67.1f
    Air temp 73.8f
    I will be feeding full schedule week 5 tomorrow.

    ABC appears to be doing well in the greenhouse now, stretching out really nice, so far.
    She was fed yesterday rainwater and FF Trio mixture Specs:
    PH 6.6
    EC 2.0
    PPM 980
    Which was basically added to the GroBucket reservoir. Through the float tube. Not sure how that breaks down once it mixes in with the reservoir water. I may need to research how others are doing it in these systems. Have actually wondered what would happen if I dropped a small air stone down in one, through the tube ? Might be interesting to see lol.
    Apollo Black Cherry tonight

    Thunder Banana DWC all alone in the tent :smoking:
    Mid Flower
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    Week 8 Day #56
    Been awhile since I have been able to update but had an amazing beach vacation with the family, so let’s get right to it !
    Thunder Banana (DWC) -
    This plant hasn’t grown a massive amount but it really seems healthy. My limited experience with the DWC process has been really easy and “low maintenance” so far.
    There’s a very minor amount of tip burn, most likely due to a heavy feeding before heading to the beach, I backed it down some and changed the reservoir out yesterday with the FF trio. Added Hydroguard & Tree Trunk.
    PH 6.2
    EC 1.3
    PPM 620
    Water Temp 66.4f
    Air Temp 78.4f
    RH 51%

    Apollo Black Cherry
    Unlike my other greenhouse grows this one hasn’t stretched much. I know I missed the target transplant day so that may be a big factor. It still has a strange-to-me plant structure or “shape” but it’s really healthy and has this peppery smell that I like a lot ! :yay:
    All said I’m enjoying growing both of these and learning a-lot in the process.
    I call that a win-win situation.

    Lastly a view from the penthouse :woohoo1:
    It rained a lot but was very nice to get away and just relax !!

    Catch y’all next week !!
    Late Flower
  • Howdy y’all :toke:

    Got to apologize for the lack of updates, I’ve been very sick and trying to get caught up everywhere today.
    Apollo Black Cherry
    Week 13 Day #97
    This one’s ready to come down but got one more doctor visit Thursday before I can harvest to make sure I’ll not be back in the hospital.
    This one has been fun to grow even though it’s been small. One day last week I walked out to check on things in the greenhouse and it had just sorta laid over in the GroBucket. I did t have any stakes or anything handy but I did have a couple large landscape nails:kiss: so it got propped back up with a couple nails. I suspect the roots never fully established themselves and will be able to verify that when I harvest this weekend.
    It has some deep purple colors and an incredible grape smell. Very sticky to the touch.
    Here’s some random date stamped photos I was able to grab. Haven’t had full use of one arm for awhile so pictures have been a quick snap and very little notes taken.
    The closeups were just a few minutes ago.

    Thunder banana round 2

    I wanted to give Thunder banana another go in soil so I’ll start that process here.
    In between hospital visits I was able to drop one more seed to soak on 8/8/22 and got it in the soil/peat pod , solo cup on 8/10. Put it in the greenhouse for the higher temps and humidity and then moved it inside under the Marshydro.
    I’ll be transplanting it into a 5gal GroBucket tonight with DynoMyco and FF Happy Frog , I usually try to get them out of the solo cup a little earlier but I think this one will be perfect. I’ll post the rootball action tomorrow
    8/12/22 was day #1




    On 8/24/22 Day # 11 I made a journal entry.
    While feeding the other plants , I saved some for this one.
    FF Trio Mixture was
    PH 6.4
    EC 1.2
    PPM 600
    Mixed 50/50 rainwater to dilute,
    Watered from bottom 1” in reservoir took it all fast.


    Today Day #18

    Thanks for hanging with me and again apologies for the lack of updates
    Transplant T Banana
  • Was able to get the Thunder Banana transplanted into a GroBucket system the other day. Ended up using great white for the Transplant and sprinkling recharge every 4” or so while filling the bucket.

    Rootball wasn’t too compact or tight so hoping she will take off in the larger space now

    Had a mixture of old and new soil, so thought I’d add a little extra insurance.

    Starting to spread out a little the last couple days and maybe a couple inches of height. Turned the light down to 40% and will be monitoring for stretch.
    Appears to be wicking up nicely to stabilize the moisture in the new soil.

    I need to get some new labels soon :muahaha:

    I’ll probably add my straw bedding this evening, get my drying tent cleaned out and stabilized, harvest the ABC, start cleaning out the main tent and start setting up for the next adventure.
    Have a great weekend.
    Harvest T-Banana Round 1
  • Howdy everyone :toke:

    Feeling much better and seem like I’m slowly getting back to normal with the illness I’ve been fighting thanks for all the well wishes and support.

    Thunder banana (First try) day #104 if my math is right. :yoinks:
    As suspected the rootball never established and that was why I had such little growth and lack of stability. Not sure if it could have been fixed by the time it was noticed but will try and go back through the results and see what changes can be made. As always recommendations as to why you would do in these situations are welcomed. I did notice that the bucket was extremely heavy (like full of water) but there was nothing coming out of the overflow hole and the water level indicator was at 0 leaves.
    When I dumped the bucket out in my compost pile, the soil was completely saturated and stunk. I’ve been using the old grow soil to build up an area next to the back of my house that dropped 8-10” through the years due to water runoff. Hopefully in the next year I’ll have a wonderful place to grow outside.

    Got it harvested and hung in the drying tent today.
    Cleaned all the GroBuckets and sterilized them.
    The Thunder banana round 2 seems to be coming along nicely at this point. Will update on that later in the week.
    Here’s photos of T-Banana round 1 harvest and rootball.
  • Finally able to update this thread. :jump:
    Overall this went much better on the second run with the Thunder Banana , Harvested on 11/21/22 and if my hillbilly math is right that should have been day 100. Ended up with 138g, buds are curing in Grove bags now.
    here’s some random photos I was able to grab, was really pleased she fattened up towards the end !!




    Definitely had fun with this one just wish I could have stayed healthy throughout the entire grow :coffee2: