New Grower Day 30 of my first ever grow.

Dec 24, 2023
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I feel my grow is going pretty average for a first timer.The plants are from right to left are straw nuggets,24 karat and blueberry.I'm just following the recommendations from the light and nute company for light and feed protocols.DLI is 58 and seems high to me but it seems the plants are taking it.A little LST and some defol on the bottom is all.
Any comments on what I could do for improvement moving forward would be appreciated .Thanks.
Looks like your going to have a full tent once they start flowering , , lots of fresh air flow will be important , a picture of the entire tent would help know What you dealing with

Thanks for the reply Rocket.I removed 3 of the straw nuggets because I'm not sure they will amount to anything anyway.3 clip-on with one clip-on at the ceiling plus the tower should be ok. No?
Maybe some more defol? I also figured I'd stop my grow powder and switch to bloom/boost?
really looking great in there. perhaps wait for a few more days until stretch has finished with nute switch - but yes it about the time. You have plenty of space to the sides - open up the canopy and widen the branches to the sides (bend down or other tech).
Thumbs up!
really looking great in there. perhaps wait for a few more days until stretch has finished with nute switch - but yes it about the time. You have plenty of space to the sides - open up the canopy and widen the branches to the sides (bend down or other tech).
Thumbs up!
Thanks.This x750 light really falls off around the edges.Really meant for a 4x4 not a 5x5 I think. Thanks for the tips and have a good one.
Looking really healthy :growing:

moving forward
How's your temp/RH in there...and what will that be for the next ~50-70 days? I assume you'll be fine with the space and fans you have, but curious where you're at with the looks of them and some getting in to flowering pretty good :baked:
Looking really healthy :growing:

How's your temp/RH in there...and what will that be for the next ~50-70 days? I assume you'll be fine with the space and fans you have, but curious where you're at with the looks of them and some getting in to flowering pretty good :baked:
Hi Mozzy,I'm at day 33. Temps at 80F RH is 60.This particular room is very easy to control conditions/HVAC.

DLI is 58 at 100% and 25% on IR/UV. My plan is to slowly lower my RH and increase the UV/IR.

Nutrient wise I'm using Lotus 3 part.One feeding of Recharge compost tea.The last thing is BudbusterPro foliar spray which is supposed to help lateral growth and increase flower size, but what the hell do I know.This is my first time growing anything.
The tent looks great and stick a plant right in the middle , even if you don't get much any weed is good weed , if that is also a tower fan , I'd offset the other 3 at different height up to the top of the canopy . 5x5 is pretty big tent , if you raise the light a little it can help with the stretch
Where is the humidity indicator closer to the pot and it will get more of a reading from the wet pots after watering

Your doing fine , sometimes less is more don't try to over do it for perfection your almost half way there already and things look fine

I wouldn't recommend spraying anything on the plant itself , unless your sure

Keep us updated growmie