Extraction Dale's DIY Dapress

thanks for the rep bob. Great idea I’ve seen rolls of Micron screen and was wondering if guys did that and made their own DIY press bags
If you can sow using a machine you can do about 50 in 20min. Usually I cut the fabric in 10x5cm rectangles. My wife sows the two sides together and I trim the threads, turn the bags and pull the endpoints inside like so.
Not my picture, it comes from gutenbergsdankpressing

The most important things to know when sourcing your material. The more expensive bags use some sort of nylon threads, but the cheaper ones use polyester and this is important, the nylon can take more pulling force before it breaks and this makes the this material superior for our needs.
The next important thing is the thread. You need a sowing thread with at least 4kg pulling strength and it can't be made of a material that stretches. Your stitches must not be able to stretch as this again promotes taring of the material. I don't know what it's called, but tell your wife that the wire must be able to hold 4kg's / 9pounds and it must not be able to melt (ie, no plastic or polyester thread)

If you follow the link (in my previous post) you can select many different mesh/thread count types to choose from. I bought 1x5m and haven't even got through 1m² of it. That's a lot of bags for approx. 12€ :biggrin:

Hope it helps :thumbsup:
Mephisto Double Grape Squeeze day RH 65%
Harvested my Double grape 2 wks ago and I was itching to squeeze it. Hoping the pics tell the whole story let me know if i missed something :pass: :welcome::thanks::drool:


Started sqeeze @ 5min ~30 seconds slow squeeze to compress and preheat bag.


@3:45 Slowly applied more pressure until i felt i was @ max for first press @~3min by now the rosin was flowing :headbang:

First press

Second press same heat put it right back in and squeezed the hell out of it for 3 min more. I think I got most of it the first press with no busted bag :woohoo1:

Total yield first pressing for two bags 17.72 - 1.4 =16.32 for the bags rosin 2.59g

Second pressings .43g

I think (DG rosin :baked:):haha: I come out to 18% yield @ 16.32 g of bud and 3.02g of rosin? :shrug::woohoo::smokeout::bong:
Mephisto Northern Cheese Haze I couldn't wait for this to cure as with any bud of mine:rofl:.
5min squeezes 210f 90 micron 2.7"x4" bags.

So both bags first and second squeezes all look really good and I end smoking it all :smokeout: . So I just mixed all this together:bong:. Minus the 6.00g for the jar 2.25g yield from 15g of bud:woohoo1:. It does have a funk smell to it kinda cheesy:gassy:
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Glad I found this thread! Got a lot of my questions answered here!

I've go a Dabpress on the way and fresh bud curing! I'm actually going to press the popcorn buds and trim from my Mazar i Sharif. Don't care what my return on this is just want to sample it as rosin! Next time I grow some I'll grow more and squish some! I've got some Nicole Kush buds I'll use also. Can't wait!
Glad I found this thread! Got a lot of my questions answered here!

I've go a Dabpress on the way and fresh bud curing! I'm actually going to press the popcorn buds and trim from my Mazar i Sharif. Don't care what my return on this is just want to sample it as rosin! Next time I grow some I'll grow more and squish some! I've got some Nicole Kush buds I'll use also. Can't wait!
Great Thread you’ve put together @Dale's Proper Bud
:thanks:for the encouragement guys I am still learning also so much appreciated and I will be posting more in here as press more. I got some more fresh anvil that i will be pressing very soon:smokeout: