Extraction Clean your grinder with milk!



Hi all,
I've found this method on a french website and I decided to post it here, since I've tested it and it works (very) well!!

So your alu grinder begins to be dirty, the filter does not let pass the trichromes anymore...etc

Put some milk (the fatter the better; cream works well) and your desassembled grinder in a pan, and heat it, 'til it simmers and try to keep it simmering all long, avoiding the milk to boil as it destroys THC.
You can brush it with a new toothbrush, to accelerate the process, but wait a minimum of an hour to be sure it's gone in the fat!

Keep in mind that the mixture will be strong enought for 2/4 persons so be careful especially if it's been a while since you've not cleaned your grinder!

Sorry I'm not sure of my english!
Great tip and you English is brilliant.
I forgot to say that the main purpose is to avoid damaging our precious tool, and waist no more any trichromes!
dang, how simple is that? funny how obvious solutions like this are right in front of your face for years.

since i'm desperate and have about two months until harvest i'm going to cook my pipe. yum!
I thought the same thing when I saw that tip.
Be careful that there aren't any shits that could be dissolved in the fat if you're not joking for the pipe.
And that's a general rule, be sure that your tool is toxic free, no plastic grinders or anything...
I am going to use this on my girlfriends scissors I just destroyed manicuring my last harvest!!! I'll let you know how it works out...

Your English is better then most native English speakers.... Don't fret! :wiz:
This sounds so tasty.... Perhaps a cleaning sesh is in order...perhaps cereal afterwards.....
What a wonderful idea as I have a grinder that is 6 months old and in dire need of a thorough cleaning. I just put some heavy cream on the shopping list, so this weekend should be a great experiment in relaxation.
Hahaha, amazing.

I have two grinders that are somewhere around 3 years old and never cleaned. Cooooooking paaaarty... hell yeah
sounds like a plan and your english is on point mate :thumbs: :peace: Si