Cannabis Leaf Juicing Questions

Sep 17, 2013
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My wife and I have been doing research on juicing fresh leaves. Really could not find a definitive answer on where to start as far as liquid quantity per day of pure juice. My wife cannot tolerate any THC in her system. It likes she is on a bad acid trip for her. But we both need all the CBDs we can pump into our bodies for pain management, and for a Cancer preventive measure.

How to you all to yours?

Any other recipes to eliminate all THC would be appreciated also.
, I did read through your recipe for High CBD Oil, and would like to find something that does not take so long to cook, but if that is indeed the best way, I will do it.

Also read about pouring pure grain alcohol, over frozen buds, straining, and letting the ethanol evaporate. No heat, no THC, just all of the other goodies in there. True, or not true?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

im no expert on this but i once read and theres a lot of info you might find useful :D sorry i really hate to answer with a link but its much better to read straight from there and see for yourself what they have to offer :D again just my 2 cents
Hi Stickyfingers, I can't speak to the raw juicing as I haven't done it before, but the grain alcohol method you mentioned is known as QWISO or ISO hash. It can be done with 90% or higher (as low as 70%, but the water takes a long time to evap) isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, or 190 proof grain alcohol. I think the only way you're not going to have highly concentrated THC in that method is if you start with a high CBD cannabis strain. If there is THC in the bud/shake you're using, it will be concentrated in the final product. They use names like Dabs, Buddah, and Shatter for the finished product, and I can tell you from personal experience, it.IS.POTENT :) I just don't want to see you trip out the Mrs. if you decide to try it. There are online recipes/videos for QWISO. Its easy, but its a volatile gas, ultimately, so safety first- only do it with proper ventilation :) Best to you, Sir!
The treatment using raw juice is non-psychoactive, therefore enabling doses of 600mg (without resulting in unconsciousness) and the effects of the full medicinal properties of the phyto-cannabinoids.
This was copied from Healing Leaf - Film about Raw Cannabis juice.-

Average doses range between 500mg - 1000mg

The average general dose can also be defined as 15 fan leaves through a wheat grass juicer.

Avoid leaves showing any signs of Thc crystal and go for the big fat fan leaves lower down or just don't flower your plant and keep them in veg, if you wife is susceptible to tripping out on THC

My wife and I have been doing research on juicing fresh leaves. Really could not find a definitive answer on where to start as far as liquid quantity per day of pure juice. My wife cannot tolerate any THC in her system. It likes she is on a bad acid trip for her. But we both need all the CBDs we can pump into our bodies for pain management, and for a Cancer preventive measure.

How to you all to yours?

Any other recipes to eliminate all THC would be appreciated also.
, I did read through your recipe for High CBD Oil, and would like to find something that does not take so long to cook, but if that is indeed the best way, I will do it.

Also read about pouring pure grain alcohol, over frozen buds, straining, and letting the ethanol evaporate. No heat, no THC, just all of the other goodies in there. True, or not true?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Your always going to have THC, but it won't be psycho-active as long as not subjected to heat.