Bubbble hash questions...

Smoking Frog

Cultivators Club
Sep 29, 2019
Reaction score
Hey guys!
Quarentine sunday project! Bubble bags are here!
The green Gods have been very generous to this newbie.Started my first ever grow in sept and second one in mid december.
Now,i only grow to myself with the occasional small gift to a co worker.Both grows were 3 plants,first one was 360 grams and second one is now at 525 grams (one plant was 337!!!)
with one more to finish trimming and weight.
That's way to much weed for me to stock and i want to make bubble hash with about 1\4 lbs of lower buds of the 337 g plant.Buds are very frosty and a good smoke but not dense and good looking and like i said ,i've got way too much of it.
So today is the day...if i can find some ice at the village.Otherwise,will have to crank the chainsaw and help myself in the lake!
I'll have questions throughout the day for the experts and i'll start with a pix of the material...a bit of trim and a lot of lower\larf buds that are very frosty...
Bags and material...frosty,,good smoke but just too much of it.
I've smoke way worst in my life!!!


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First question,Should i break all the buds in smaller pieces before,even grinding it,i add water and ice.I'll be hand stirring in a 5 gals.
No fancy washing wachine here!
Also,the buds are 9 days dry and at 62% rh now.Good,bad ?
the purest would not touch the buds at all,and do 2,3,4,5 runs.Run 1 being the purest,run 5 lots of plant matterial.
the average joe in order to get as much return as possible will grind and stir the life outa it.
62% is fine.
good lucj n keep er lit
I dont touch the buds and I have done fresh freeze right off the plant a full dry and cure and partial dry runs. I like to run my material at least 5 times like archie said ur first run will be ur purest. Its always best to freeze ur material 1st before adding it to water and ice in ur bags. I don't usually get much material off the 1st 2 runs so don't get discouraged if your 1st run does not yield much usually around the 3rd run is when I see the most yeild starting to come out. You should get somewhere around an oz off a qp run. I wouldn't try to run that much all at once though. I get my best returns off smaller runs of maybe an oz or 2 at most don't overfill your bags so you can get a good stir and I like to use about a 50 50 mix of water and ice and fill it to the top of the material. I also add about 1 cup of 99% isopropanol to my solution if im using material that has had mold or bud rot if that is a concern the alcohol will clean any bacteria and imo doesn't leave any residue in your end product. I've also used peroxide but that bubbles up a lot and makes collecting hard. If you plan to store your hash long term make sure to dry it real good and burp ur jars daily hash will rot and mold up quick faster than flower if not kept properly. I don't know how many bags you have in your set but if you have a set containing more than 5 I would consider only using 5 or your bags as a 8 or 10 bag set is a pain and adds tons of extra work with little to no added yield. Hope some of this helps if you have any more questions I have been making bubble hash for a long time now I'm no pro but have learned a few tricks here and their that helped me out.
I should have added to stir for at least 15 to 20 minutes each time and the object is to swirl the water and Ice around the trichomes to gently knock them off you don't want to try and grind your material into the bags just gently swirl the water and ice around in the bucket.
A pic off one of my last runs of hash from the outdoor. I believe I ended up running almost 22 oz's of hash this year off my trim and larf I turned most of it into Rosin with amazing returns of 60 to 70% off the hash if your in to pressing rosin hash is a great way to go. I don't know if you have a dry sift but a trim bin is a great investment. I like to dry sift all my material 1st before I do a hash run you would be amazed how much kief you can get in a dry sift and still get amazing returns off the hash runs.

If I had to guess I would say you should expect to see a pile that looks about like this when you are done. I mix all my runs together for end product that way everything has an equal potency level just my personal preference.
Best of luck to ya cant wait to see how it fairs out for ya!
I did trim only as my first ever try.
Did 2 wash and this is the result...
Funny i had nothing in the 25 bag firt wash...but some in my second. ?


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