SSSC Bob's tribute to Karel, the SSSC and BioTabs - Growing AK47 x Karel's Haze x Auto & Afghan x Northern Lights x Auto

  • Hey peeps... :toke:

    It's been a bit longer then usual for checking the seeds if they sprouted, but hey...It is what it is :shrug::coffee:
    Every seed hatched which was to be expected with such guuuud genetics :biggrin:

    But not all seeds get a place in the soil. Only the two best got to go. These got a one way trip to the bin :crying:

    The ones that did get planted ended up in, how else, a white pouch filled with the lightmix I mixed up a couple of weeks ago. The soil was still damp in the tub and got stirred up just before I filled the pouches. In about a fortnight I'll be making my choice which one stayes :pop:


    Bob :toke:
  • Hey Friends :pass:

    A new day and new pictures for ya'll :cooldance:
    As with the other young ones, these two ladies where in need for a toppin' and croppin'. I removed the emerging top just above the fifth node and removed the side shoots from the first and second node. This leaves me with six powerful shoots which will provide me with ample bud sites.
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 22

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 22

    The same happened for this Aghan x Northern Lights cross...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 22

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 22

    Then there is this Lemon Diesel. Just like her Dutch Passion cousins, she got exactly half of the PK Booster Compost Tee that the Barneys Farm girls got.
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 41

    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 41

    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 41

    Grow little bud sites grow...
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 41


    Bob :toke:
    Early Flower
  • Hey SSSC fans!!! :woohoo1::woohoo::woohoo1:

    Another update from within the greenhouse. Today, actually yesterday as I didn't get to posting everything last night, was a rainy day. I was glad I sprayed the plants with some Boom Boom Spray and RotBlock a couple of days before that as this gives the plants plenty of protection against the raised humidity. We all know that mold is always an issue in the greenhouse, but this year (holding wood as I typ it) I have been spared from it until now.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 40

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 40

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 40

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 40

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 40

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 40

    This one amazed me the most as she had bulked up quite nice in the two days I'd taken a picture of her.
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 59

    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 59

    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 59

    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 59


    Bob :toke:
    Mid Flower
  • nice shots bro
    Thanks bro!!!
    I've got a couple more for ya'll today.

    Let's begin with this Afghan x NL cross. This lady is the largest in the greenhouse and is still stretching while pushing out them pistils.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 56

    Have a look for yourselves...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 56

    Barely any expansion of the calyx's and only pristine pistils to be seen :headbang:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 56

    Next up we have our Karel's Haze x AK47 cross. This cultivar is perfect for indoor growing being only 50 cm's / 20 inches high or so...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 56

    And even though she's a leafy girl each branch is chockful with bud sites.
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 56

    I'm curious how this cultivar turns out being both of Sativa parentage.
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 56

    Finally we have our Bruce Lemon Diesel which is almost finished. Have a good look at those buds guys, because these are fully expanded.
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 76

    I can't discern the limonene smell, but that can still come out while curing. I do smell and taste the chemical diesel smell emitting from her. A very distinctive sweet putrid smell. Almost like Fat Pete's Cookies, but less the smell of cookies and more a gasoline/diesel smell with a sweet undertone...
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 76

    To show how packed this plant's a picture from the lowest bud site...Which definitely isn't defined as popcorn! :coffee:
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 76

    The leaves on the top buds are even showing a purple shine on them. Love it!
    Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 76


    Bob :toke:
    Late Flower
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Today I've got a plethora of pictures for ya'll :woohoo1:
    Let's start with our AK47 x Karel's Haze cross which has it's harvest window almost closing.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    A leafy lady, bud beneath them leaves are thick hard buds.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Coated with trichomes...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Here's a piece I had to remove last time because of the aphids. As you can see, not to much damage :thumbsup:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    On of the lower buds...Even these look ready as all the calyx's have swollen to the max.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    But the trichomes tell another story...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    I do have a feeling that the switch will happen very soon. Just a feeling, but looking at the outside of the plant...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Luckily I can afford to be patient as my shed currently is full with the three whole plants that are hanging to dry. One of which is the Bruce Lemon Diesel, which still reeks like Mr. Proper has cleaned the garage...a combination of the chemical petrol/diesel smell combined with the fruity/fresh smell from Mr. Proper. The cool thing is, as they are drying (and this is the longest dry I've had to date) you barely smell anything, but if you touch the plant it releases it's pungent smell.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Lower right corner...Trichomes that are about to switch to amber.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    I'm going to shut up now and let you all enjoy the pictures :coffee2::haha:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    *************************************************************End of Part One*************************************************************************
    Late Flower
  • ******************************************************************Part Two******************************************************************************

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 69

    Let's not forget our Afghan x Northern Lights cross. Knowing that she looks as fine as she does, she still has more then a month to go :cooldance:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 68

    Have a look at these fluffy crystal coated buds...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 68

    A Northern Light with some extra Afghan in it... Can't wait to try her out. :shooty:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 68

    Oh yeah, I did remove some of the older larger fanleaves that showed the lightest coloring. Leaving only these fans left. The ones that turned a darker shade responded to the Silicium Flash, but some of them were to far gone and had to be removed to prevent mold and other issues from dead leaf material.
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 68

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 68


    Bob :toke:
    Last edited:
    Harvest - AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF
  • Ok People :toke:

    Not much interest in the weights I guess... :shrug:
    Went to the greenhouse to check the trichomes on my AK47 x Karel's Haze cross because she's seriously over due...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    The buds look fine...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    Seriously hazy smell on her...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    And while the trichomes look all ok...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    And then I saw this... :doh:
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    So I pulled open the buds...
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    And found this...So I took this girls down. :thumbsup:
    AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 72

    Finally here's my Afghan x NL cross which looks yummie :yay:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 72

    But still has about a month to go...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 72

    Hopefully a blast from the past as with my White Widow :cheers:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 72

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 72


    Bob :toke:
    Last edited:
    Buds - AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF
  • Hey friends :cheers:

    Tonight I've trimmed my AK47 x Karel's Haze x Autoflower cross and boy-o-boy is that plant a stinker. Smelled like a wet dog farted in the livingroom. :gassy1:
    I also had to cut out the infected pieces which were mainly the thight top buds...

    What was left over was mold free. I took no chances and removed any bud that showed the slightest white spec on it.

    On the left about 1/3 of the infected buds and twigs.

    After trimming what was left over filled my jar nicely and that's what it's all about brothers and sisters :stir:

    Took the jar to my study and weight everything. The scales kept jumping between 49 and 50gr so with the bud I snook before I put away the jar, let's say 49gr of primo super stinky and while she is still fresh oily buds :headbang:

    Chockfull with trichomes...And have I told you about the smell...After trimming either the smell of a farting dog disapated or I've gotten used to it so much I can't smell it no more. Either way, A very chemical fuely smell. The bud I smoked had a very peppery taste to it, but with a good curing this will get more toned down...You'll see :biggrin:




    When the buds were about 1min in the jar. Of course this isn't a right representation of the real humidity, but I always like to show of my curing jar hack :coffee:

    I hope you liked todays post, because I sure did creating it :jointman:


    Bob :toke:
    Late Flower
  • Hey Friends :toke:

    Another sunny day today and the remaining ladies inside the greenhouse a loving the high temperatures and low humidity. A perfect environment for ripening those buds... As temps were around 35°C/95°F and humidity sat at 35%
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    And these buds looks guuuud.... :coffee:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    I really like the way I topped my plants this season. This method gave plenty of nice sized colas per plant, without to much mold. Last year mold was a big issue, but then humidity regularly sat around and above 90%
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Combine that with the fact I didn't have to do diddlysquat to the plants except give water, this is the easiest grow I've done to date! I would like to do a shoutout to @SuperSativaSeedClub_John and Karel from BioTabs as I couldn't have done this without them :bighug:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Have a look the amount of trichomes on this lady...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Couldn't help myself and took more trichome shots. We're almost there friends...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Not many clear left over and the first ambers are definitely there...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86

    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 86


    Bob :toke:
  • Hey Bob! Well done mate, great grow and nice photos, I will place a couple of them on our websites. Enjoy the smooth smoke! ;)
    You do that brother! An honor as always :cheers:
    Went into the greenhouse to water the ladies and saw this beauty...She's starting to wilt and this means that even though the trichomes aren't where I would like them to be I am taking her down today...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 88

    I have no complaints about this girl and in combination with BioTabs this grow went like a cinch. Have a look at those trichomes...I can honestly say, they smell exactly how they look :coffee:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 88

    Except for the occasional whiff I haven't touched this girl, I swear :nono:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 88

    Ok, last pic before I put the scissors in her...
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 88

    ...hehe...This is the last one, promise :baked:
    Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 88

    After cutting her down, I hung her upside down in the greenhouse and started to remove all the infected (aphids) fan leaves. Also found one cola which was completely infected and absolutely yuck, so I removed that branch and looked if I could recover something from it, but I ended up tossing it. I have more then enough weed to last me a while, so why bother risking them spreading on the plant while drying...
    This picture, the plants is hanging upside down in the shed drying as is, with most fan leaves removed and all the rest hanging on the plant as to extend the drying period as long as possible :goodluck:

    Fluorescent lighting isn't the best for pictures, but you get my drift :d5:

    So hope it's a flashback to 90's Northern Lights... :jointman:

    All the buds look nice and frosty!! :headbang:

    OK, so I'll come back to this thread when drying has finished and then I'll show you guys some weight pictures ánd have a smoke report from the AK47 x Karel's Haze cross ready.


    Bob :toke: