Sweet Seeds Bob's Sweet Seeds Grow - Chapter One: Bruce Banner Auto © & Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto ©

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hello fellow growers,

After a long hibernation I'm glad to let you guys know I can get started with this seasons grow. :woohoo:
This year not twenty plants, but only four. Sometimes to much of a good thing can turn out bad :wall: Well...Live and learn...

Less then a week ago the nice people of Sweet Seeds advertised their newest strain Bruce Banner Auto and well... You know what.... Hehe, I ordered me some. Normally I research every strain before I commit to buying seeds and since I already had plenty there was no quantified reason I should have bought it. But hey... Bruce Banner in Auto form... Who wouldn't!?? :)

So I ordered myself a pack of 5+2 which was a nice plus on itself. Two extra seeds for the same price. Hehe... The next day (actually less then 24h later) I got the message that they send out my order. Kudoz to the Sweet Seeds team for working at this speed in Corona times!! The rest was up to the shipping company.
Today I got home (six days later) and my enveloppe arrived in the mailbox. It was fairly thick for an only one pack of seeds, so I opened it and this is what I found...

A nice catalogue, sticker, two packs of rollingpapers ánd they even threw in an extra seed of Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto!! Thanks guys :thumbsup:
I'm so frikkin' glad I made this impulse purchase.

So..without further ado... The game is afoot!!

Regards Bob

@Sweet Seeds @Sweet Seeds Apolo @St. Tom @pop22 @Shiva's Mistress @7.62 if i forgot someone I apologize :worship:
Hello fellow growers,

After a long hibernation I'm glad to let you guys know I can get started with this seasons grow. :woohoo:
This year not twenty plants, but only four. Sometimes to much of a good thing can turn out bad :wall: Well...Live and learn...

Less then a week ago the nice people of Sweet Seeds advertised their newest strain Bruce Banner Auto and well... You know what.... Hehe, I ordered me some. Normally I research every strain before I commit to buying seeds and since I already had plenty there was no quantified reason I should have bought it. But hey... Bruce Banner in Auto form... Who wouldn't!?? :)

So I ordered myself a pack of 5+2 which was a nice plus on itself. Two extra seeds for the same price. Hehe... The next day (actually less then 24h later) I got the message that they send out my order. Kudoz to the Sweet Seeds team for working at this speed in Corona times!! The rest was up to the shipping company.
Today I got home (six days later) and my enveloppe arrived in the mailbox. It was fairly thick for an only one pack of seeds, so I opened it and this is what I found...
View attachment 1294632

A nice catalogue, sticker, two packs of rollingpapers ánd they even threw in an extra seed of Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto!! Thanks guys :thumbsup:
I'm so frikkin' glad I made this impulse purchase.

So..without further ado... The game is afoot!!
View attachment 1294635

Regards Bob

@Sweet Seeds @Sweet Seeds Apolo @St. Tom @pop22 @Shiva's Mistress @7.62 if i forgot someone I apologize :worship:
thanks for the tag i saw this strain the other day and id be tempted to grow it myself anyhow glad your back in the game my growbro
Good luck with the grow man.

I'm growing Bloody Skunk from SweetSeeds at the moment and they grow like on steroids :biggrin:
I was actually sitting earlier today with that catalogue and marking V's in it on strains I want to try... About half the catalogue or probably more LOL
Now this is intersting!

Hello fellow growers,

After a long hibernation I'm glad to let you guys know I can get started with this seasons grow. :woohoo:
This year not twenty plants, but only four. Sometimes to much of a good thing can turn out bad :wall: Well...Live and learn...

Less then a week ago the nice people of Sweet Seeds advertised their newest strain Bruce Banner Auto and well... You know what.... Hehe, I ordered me some. Normally I research every strain before I commit to buying seeds and since I already had plenty there was no quantified reason I should have bought it. But hey... Bruce Banner in Auto form... Who wouldn't!?? :)

So I ordered myself a pack of 5+2 which was a nice plus on itself. Two extra seeds for the same price. Hehe... The next day (actually less then 24h later) I got the message that they send out my order. Kudoz to the Sweet Seeds team for working at this speed in Corona times!! The rest was up to the shipping company.
Today I got home (six days later) and my enveloppe arrived in the mailbox. It was fairly thick for an only one pack of seeds, so I opened it and this is what I found...
View attachment 1294632

A nice catalogue, sticker, two packs of rollingpapers ánd they even threw in an extra seed of Sweet Amnesia Haze XL Auto!! Thanks guys :thumbsup:
I'm so frikkin' glad I made this impulse purchase.

So..without further ado... The game is afoot!!
View attachment 1294635

Regards Bob

@Sweet Seeds @Sweet Seeds Apolo @St. Tom @pop22 @Shiva's Mistress @7.62 if i forgot someone I apologize :worship:
thanks for the tag
Your welcome ;)

anyhow glad your back in the game my growbro
Good luck with the grow man.
Thx guys! :)

I'm growing Bloody Skunk from SweetSeeds at the moment and they grow like on steroids :biggrin:
Ah...Skunk... man o man...I'm also siked to get this grow on a roll :woohoo: So many versions of Bruce Banner on the market and when I saw the ad I couldn't say no... I had to buy....

Now this is intersting!
It sure is pop! I had to remove a couple other strains I wanted to grow this season, but hey... Seeds are natures time travelers. they can wait a year, they don't mind ;)

Back to the grow... Both seeds sank to the bottom of their glasses after a couple of hours and this morning Bruce already showed a split in the seed shell. I quickly prepped two Cocos plugs, sterilized them in the microwave and let them cool down. After which I planted the seeds.
Now the waiting game starts. You know when you are crazy if you start looking if they sprouted after only three hours... I must be totally bonkers because I must have looked more then three woeps... four times now :haha:
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Good luck on the grow! Interested to see these strains so I’ll pull up a chair.

I have a trio of Sweet seeds going myself, now at day 32. I’m growing Jack 47, Honey Peach CBD, and Crystal Candy. No journal, but might do a post with some occasional progress updates eventually
Good luck on the grow! Interested to see these strains so I’ll pull up a chair.

I have a trio of Sweet seeds going myself, now at day 32. I’m growing Jack 47, Honey Peach CBD, and Crystal Candy. No journal, but might do a post with some occasional progress updates eventually
Thank you. The same good vibes go out to your grow as well. ;)

Good luck Bob!
I can't wait for those new strains to hit the US. I want to grow them all.
Thank you. Yes, it seems that I'm one of the lucky first who got my hands on them. Hope you get to try them soon.