Live Stoners Bob Lazar Fact Or Fake?


It's all about the Trichomes
Apr 18, 2018
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To all the Sci-Fi nerds like me you have at least heard the name Bob Lazar and if your like me you know his story. He was the guy that outed Area 51 in the late 80's through early 90's and his story was extraordinary to say the least. His name has come up again recently bc of things he said and claimed coming true recently. Personally i believe his story although he might have lied a bit about his schooling and certain details about himself his story comes across legit and makes alot of sense. He said that the spacecraft was powered by a element called 115 wich had a composition that allowed it to power the craft and had almost unlimited potential energy wise. Back then they said that no such element could exist and therefor he was a fraud. But recently guees what element was found and added to the Periodic Table...... Element 115! This in my opinion is validation that what Bob lazar said he saw while working at S4 at groom lake Area 51 was the truth. Whats Everyones thoughts on this?
The universe is too damn large to think that we humans are the only species. Regarding Alien visitation to Earth, I do not believe that has transpired as yet. It's about a certain type transportation and until a worm hole like situation has been discovered, sorry, no Aliens. If a species can bend space, then that is another option to go under the heading of wishful thinking at this point and time.
To all the Sci-Fi nerds like me you have at least heard the name Bob Lazar and if your like me you know his story. He was the guy that outed Area 51 in the late 80's through early 90's and his story was extraordinary to say the least. His name has come up again recently bc of things he said and claimed coming true recently. Personally i believe his story although he might have lied a bit about his schooling and certain details about himself his story comes across legit and makes alot of sense. He said that the spacecraft was powered by a element called 115 wich had a composition that allowed it to power the craft and had almost unlimited potential energy wise. Back then they said that no such element could exist and therefor he was a fraud. But recently guees what element was found and added to the Periodic Table...... Element 115! This in my opinion is validation that what Bob lazar said he saw while working at S4 at groom lake Area 51 was the truth. Whats Everyones thoughts on this?
On the fence. I want to believe, but I'm just not sure on ole Bob and his Groom Lake career. I used to live about 110' from the edge of Lake Ontario in a sick place. I was there for a year and a half. Rochester NY had this flop of an idea to fire up this boat service called the Fast Ferry. It was a 30+ knot modern planing tri-hull similar to some other high speed ferries. Anyway, it was a big project coating over $20m and there wasn't a person in town who didn't know about it. About a month before they started regular passenger service they did a bunch of dry runs. I was right on the lake with a balcony on the 3rd floor with an endless view...and the ferry started the dry runs in the summer. Being a fan of things we would watch the boat go by our place every night. They would depart at about 9:30pm. Fully dark. The port was about 5 miles east of us and you could clearly hear them sound the big horn before leaving the port. Fast forward about 7 mins and the ship would cruise past a mile out in it's way to Toronto. Like I said they kept this up for close to a month to get all the kinks out before the passengers arrived and the real work begins. One night, towards the end of the dry runs we we're enjoying a nice 75° summer night. We hear the fog horn and that means the ship is leaving port. Lake Ontario might as well be the ocean from the shore....or the middle. All it is a desert of blackness at night. There is no lights. There is nothing but ink. We are on the, my roommate, and my twin girls. They were about 8 at the time. The kids loved watching the boat go by as much as we enjoyed smoking a spliff out there. Just a magic little spot. Anyhoo, I glanced over the envelope of darkness and saw a weird light. Quite extraordinarily bright. Not a common sight, but figured it was just some badass spotlight in some vessel. All was quiet. We all noticed this light was extremely bright and not holding a steady color. Kinda unique. I had the bright idea of taking a look through a big ass Bushnell telescope with a spotting scope on a heavy duty tripod. The telescope was literally right inside off the balcony looking out the monster 3rd floor picture windows. I use the spotting scope to find the thing, and have a closer look through the main optics. What I saw could not be explained. I saw a perfectly round sphere that looked like a live fire. It was definitely airborne and not on the water, but it wasn't very high. I could still slightly see the horizon line. It was perfectly round, as I zoomed in and framed it so that it was taking up 90% of the frame of view. Telescope, rifle scopes and binoculars as you all know use round optics, so it's quite easy to center a round object in view with an equal air gap around the edge of the object. It was as perfect around as the scope was. PERFECT. And it looked like Spaceship Earth (The golf ball) from Epcot Center in Orlando that is their mascot and letterhead. I called over the juniors and my roomie. The scope is rock solid on it's tripod so it's real easy to have a quick peek. We all had about 6 peeks. It wasn't doing anything other than what it was already doing. The crazy thing is, this is out over NOTHING. There is nothing there but miles of open water. How THE FUCK did this phantom sphere stay PERFECTLY centered in the scope. Y'all know how touchy scopes can be....ya breathe wrong and what you were looking at is not whats in view anymore. If this thing moved 3 feet it would have been gone from the scope or at least no longer dead centered. All four of us said it looked like a flaming golf ball. We all agreed that it was just mind blowing and it didn't make a sound. From what I could tell, it looked like it was within a few miles, but it's REAL hard to judge distance over water at night. So a familiar noise is overheard....the powerful diesels of the fast ferry. A minute later the ferry appeared like usual and the crazy fire orb alien for sure insanity was gone. That's my story about fast ferries and great balls of fire.

One other quick thing...about 6 years ago, me and Nurse Bubbles were driving eastbound on I-90 about 40 miles west of Rochester. She was driving and I was tossing and turning in the front seat riding shotty. This is a very straight huge interstate akin to I-5, I-10, and I-95 making a huge frame around the perimeter of the country. You can drive for 20 miles without changing your heading more than a degree or three. Straight. It's just past twilight to where you need your headlights on. She noticed this weird light in the sky that didn't move much at all for 10 mins. It's in front of her and quite high. Definitely an aircraft. Whatevs...well after the 10m she wakes me up to ask me my thoughts on the situation. I am a dyed in the wool aviation nut so she wanted my two cents. I said it's a chopper baby. But we weren't seeming to get closer even though we are tearing east at 70mph. After what must have been about 5 mins of me wondering what it was, it had a bright white light, I noticed we were gaining on it. So it's a chopper, just like I thought. Except it was low. Not crazy low, but somewhere between 500 and 1000 feet of altitude. I am quite current and familiar on aircraft identification and what technologies exist in the world of aviation. Bam. So we start gaining ground on this thing...It's now within a half mile of us at most and we are still getting closer by the second. The light was almost blinding. The whole ground was lit up like ab NFL stadium on Monday Night. Real super high K° white with that blue in it. Like what works good for seedlings and mother plants. We literally drive almost directly underneath it....I'm hanging out the passenger window looking straight up into this. What I can only describe as what appeared to be an engine. Zero sound. Hovering almost motionless like a helicopter. But SILENT. I was then racking my brain and thinking of VTOL aircraft, which means vertical takeoff and landing. Like the Lockheed F-35 and the old Harrier jump jet from the 70s that killed so many in peace time. Lol....that plane had ISSUES let me tell ya. So could have been a VTOL aircraft, except this use fucking turbine engines and those aren't exactly quiet, let alone silent. I honestly think I looked directly up at some engine technology that 99.9% of people have no clue about. Whether it was Marvin the Martian or Airman Smith at the helm remains unanswered...but these two events made me EXTRA vigilant of the skies above. Keep your eyes open guys....there is a whole world happening outside of Facebag and Shitter.

Bob Lazaar? Who the fuck knows.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I was so gobsmacked by both these events that I actually submitted a pair of similar reports to the two I just typed to MUFON, the Mutual U.F.O Network. The 3rd party guys that log crazy things like this. It's a real head scratcher for sure.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Anybody familiar with JAL Flight 1628 Alaska incident? Kenju Terauchi with over 10,000 flight hours and surrounded by a first officer and flight engineer with equal seat time. Those guys were chased in a Boeing 747-200 for the better part of an hour. They even did a full 360° aileron bank around the object, which Tarauchi said was very very big. He said it was at least twice the size of an aircraft carrier. A huge 'cigar shaped mothership'. Ya gotta respect commercial pilots on duty. They are sober, they know what shit is supposed to look like up there, and coming forward is basically career suicide, which is devastating to pilots more than most other professions. Something DEFINITELY happened over Alaska.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
TO think that aliens couldn't travel to us is thinking in a box. A civilization that has millions of years of technology and knowledge on us will have things we can't dream of. Try explaining Wi-Fi and the internet to a person from 2000 years ago they wouldn't understand a thing you said. They could have abilities and things we can't fathom. Now Imagine no human was ever born with eyes and never knew sight we wouldn't know what we were missing out on all around us. Our perception of the universe and all it is might be only a sliver of what's really there. And the theory of one universe makes no sense as well. There's nothing that we know that comes in 1. So to think there's one universe instead of many inside a multiverse and so on dosent for with what we now know. And remember it only takes 1 out of the millions of sightings throughout recorded history to be true. Just one.