Fast Buds Awful Blog Advice?

Sep 7, 2022
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I get the Fastbuds blog via email and the advice for beginner growers using coco is very odd. It recommends water for the first few weeks, nothing else. No mention of Calcium and Magnesium which play a massive part in coco growing and is absolutely required. Also if you followed this advice you feed nothing for the entire veg period of the plant. Ive 2 Gorilla Cookies growing in coco right now. 1 of them is 24 days and has had Calmag daily at half a millimeter a liter since birth. I use Vitalink Plant Start from day 1 and water feed every day. The 24 day old plant is presently taking 2.5ml A+B grow and 1ml Take Root as well as Calmag and Multi total.
It took me a while to learn about Calmag and the difference is massive. I grew the worlds smallest Auto Ultimate learning about Calmag. I went from 3 1\2 oz to well over 15 oz with my second Auto Ultimate and all for 0.5ml Calmag per liter. I also got over 15oz first go of your terrific Wedding Cheese cake.
I believe Fastbuds could give better advice.
Icould be wrong as I dont actually factually know much. Im spending some time on cocoforcannabis learning.
Apologies if I missed something obviouse and didnt get what the blog was saying. The Overfeeding Blog.
I would also point out that Im smoking Wedding Cheesecake and am very very stoned.
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I get the Fastbuds blog via email and the advice for beginner growers using coco is very odd. It recommends water for the first few weeks, nothing else.
That's a shocker! ... Looks like they've got coco and soil mixed up. :face: .. coco has no nutes in, so just using water for first few weeks will not help the seedling grow


we've got some awesome coco growers here ... In fact ..."back in the day" .. when i used coco, I made a handy tutorial of tips collated from the official Canna Coco forums, and posted them somewhere in the coco section (probably stickied)
It's old news, but still the right news (for coco anyway)

I get the Fastbuds blog via email and the advice for beginner growers using coco is very odd. It recommends water for the first few weeks, nothing else. No mention of Calcium and Magnesium which play a massive part in coco growing and is absolutely required. Also if you followed this advice you feed nothing for the entire veg period of the plant. Ive 2 Gorilla Cookies growing in coco right now. 1 of them is 24 days and has had Calmag daily at half a millimeter a liter since birth. I use Vitalink Plant Start from day 1 and water feed every day. The 24 day old plant is presently taking 2.5ml A+B grow and 1ml Take Root as well as Calmag and Multi total.
It took me a while to learn about Calmag and the difference is massive. I grew the worlds smallest Auto Ultimate learning about Calmag. I went from 3 1\2 oz to well over 15 oz with my second Auto Ultimate and all for 0.5ml Calmag per liter. I also got over 15oz first go of your terrific Wedding Cheese cake.
I believe Fastbuds could give better advice.
Icould be wrong as I dont actually factually know much. Im spending some time on cocoforcannabis learning.
Apologies if I missed something obviouse and didnt get what the blog was saying. The Overfeeding Blog.
I would also point out that Im smoking Wedding Cheesecake and am very very stoned.

Sounds like someone at fast buds got a little mixed up with soil.
You can feed them a lower EC for the first couple of weeks but as they put that mass on they will want more.

Sounds like your back on track, if you need any more help just tag me, I grow in coco with automated watering system (drippers). I'm just swapping nutes from Remo to Canna. Nothing wrong with Remo I just fancy a change.

One of my favorite tips is to mix 1/4 worm castings into my coco. Improves plant health immensely by inoculating the coco with microbes and all the other goodies it provides.
I get the Fastbuds blog via email and the advice for beginner growers using coco is very odd. It recommends water for the first few weeks, nothing else. No mention of Calcium and Magnesium which play a massive part in coco growing and is absolutely required. Also if you followed this advice you feed nothing for the entire veg period of the plant. Ive 2 Gorilla Cookies growing in coco right now. 1 of them is 24 days and has had Calmag daily at half a millimeter a liter since birth. I use Vitalink Plant Start from day 1 and water feed every day. The 24 day old plant is presently taking 2.5ml A+B grow and 1ml Take Root as well as Calmag and Multi total.
It took me a while to learn about Calmag and the difference is massive. I grew the worlds smallest Auto Ultimate learning about Calmag. I went from 3 1\2 oz to well over 15 oz with my second Auto Ultimate and all for 0.5ml Calmag per liter. I also got over 15oz first go of your terrific Wedding Cheese cake.
I believe Fastbuds could give better advice.
Icould be wrong as I dont actually factually know much. Im spending some time on cocoforcannabis learning.
Apologies if I missed something obviouse and didnt get what the blog was saying. The Overfeeding Blog.
I would also point out that Im smoking Wedding Cheesecake and am very very stoned.
I cannot find the article you are referring to? Can you add a link?
That's a shocker! ... Looks like they've got coco and soil mixed up. :face: .. coco has no nutes in, so just using water for first few weeks will not help the seedling grow


we've got some awesome coco growers here ... In fact ..."back in the day" .. when i used coco, I made a handy tutorial of tips collated from the official Canna Coco forums, and posted them somewhere in the coco section (probably stickied)
It's old news, but still the right news (for coco anyway)

Found it. 14 pages! Actual sense.Im a fan.
Sounds like someone at fast buds got a little mixed up with soil.
You can feed them a lower EC for the first couple of weeks but as they put that mass on they will want more.

Sounds like your back on track, if you need any more help just tag me, I grow in coco with automated watering system (drippers). I'm just swapping nutes from Remo to Canna. Nothing wrong with Remo I just fancy a change.

One of my favorite tips is to mix 1/4 worm castings into my coco. Improves plant health immensely by inoculating the coco with microbes and all the other goodies it provides.
Worm castings. roger that. Im using Dutch Pro. The oneshopgrowshop charges £38 for a small bottle of Explode and £23 aliter of Calmag so am looking for other feeds that can do big strong plants. I honestly am not too sure about the whole EC thing. For me the first 2 weeks on Plant start are important as I can get them to take the starting dose of Dutch Pro Grow. I use my EC meter to check if the water is water and not water and food. Im surprised there is not many people using DP as it has an Autoflower range.
Thanks for the worm poo tip that'll be my next plant with Canna Pro coco.
I cannot find the article you are referring to? Can you add a link?
I dont know how to do links. On the Fastbuds420 page the address is HOME / BLOG / WHAT IS OVERFEEDING AND HOW TO FIX IT.