Sweet Seeds 4 Dark Devils under 250W MH/HPS

Sep 28, 2013
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Hi(gh) folks!

First of all I have to say I'm from Switzerland, so in advance: Sorry for all the mistakes in my written english. :)

It's my first indoor experience with an autoflower strain, but I always used to grow photosensitive strains indoors. I just never growed autos indoors.

I chose the dark devil because I've already had a good experience outdoors with this strain (I grew'em on my balcony). And another reason: The plants have to be harvested before I'm having my holidays with my lovely future-wife by the end of december.

Enough babbling, let's start with the main facts growing the dark devils:
- Box: Homebox XS
- Lights: 250 W MH for vegging and an HPS for flowering
- A good Exhauster with a matching carbon-filter and 3 smaller fans for air circulation in the box
- Pots: 11 litre
- Grow Medium: Soil / Plagron Grow Mix
- Nutrients: Root Booster (Hesi) and Plagron Alga Bloom
- Light Cycle: 20on/4off

Grow process until now:
All 4 DD Seeds germinated nearly the same time 26 days ago. Til now I only used some Root Booster and they are growing massive with a lot of side-branches! :) I think I'll let them under the MH-Light til day 35, then I gonna switch to the HPS-lamp.

And here are they, at day 26:

3 of them already show some discreet signs of purple coulour on the beginning of the buds. I hope I'm gonna harvest about 100g good ol' purple buds (which is about 3.5 OZ I guess...).

Feel free to post some comments. Have a nice evening! ;)

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Welcome Supa....:stylez rasta smoke: Glad you joined us....i have been married for so long i cant remember.....lol ....but congratulations my friend ...dark divil thats Sweet Seeds lucky for you we have a Sweet Seeds Rep on hand to help you with your Sweet needs.....AFN is the shit....lol..i have some good links in my signature that may help, if not just ask and some one will help you....once again WELCOME and when you get a chance stop over and say hi to the other members Introductions


moving to fast you are all ready here......:five:
High guys! Sorry, now my starting post is complete (I accidentally was too fast with posting :D).

@ CGR: Thanks a lot for the welcoming! :) I'm gonna check out your links, thanks! Wish you a nice evening.

And the same to you .....:tiphat:
That chick has some big tits!!!!!:Holy Moly:
Damn those are some big ass tits namvet.:Holy Moly: I saw your post and just had to check it out and all I can say is WOW!!!
Hi Supa:stylez rasta smoke:,
thanks for sharing your first experience with Dark Devil, here in the AFN Sweet Seeds Subforum.
i am sure you will have lot of help from the people around here, included my partner Tommy and myself.
Good luck with all!
Haha thanks for all the kind comments!:) I will update you with some new fresh pics of my DD's soon...

That chick has some big tits!!!!!:Holy Moly:

lol I know that, that chick which decorates my avatar is my fiancée and best friend for life (and she also loves da ganja plant :D ). I also have another gorgeous bud-shot with a dark devil cola (the ones I tried and grew outdoors on my small balcony). Check it out:


I thank god that she stepped into my life.:)
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