24/0 or 20/4

I run 19/5. Just bwcause 18/6 and 20/4 couldnt make my mind up. Ran 24/0 and the plants at least the strains i grew preferred or appeared to prefer a little darkness. So i been at 19/5 ever since.
You can get pretty close with 20€ LUX meter. Enough close for us, amateurs (+/- 10%).
I veg for 4 weeks 24/7 then flip it back to 20/4. Dehumidifier keeps my tent perfect humidity and temp. Just leave the top unzipped a little or it would get to 80s. But if I leave my tent door unzipped up top 1/4 way down it stays like 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Oscilating tower fan blowing across my tent. Dehumidifier runs 24/7 along with my fan and temps and humidity is perfect when lights are off too. I running 2000 watt wills cob led full spectrum light and with no dehumidifier the humidity gets high and the temp is 68 to 71. Dehumidifier helps my tent tremendously
It's really too bad they didn't name the "dark cycle" the more accurate " light independent cycle" in photosynthesis. Plants don't do anything in the dark (besides signal flowering in photos) that they can't do with the light on. Things without a nervous system cannot "sleep". If it weren't for the ability to run 24 hrs full time, I wouldn't even bother with an autoflower. Just my opinion.
I switched from 24 to 20 hours and find that nute and ph management to be a lot easier and forgiving, for me 24 hours wont exist again until I have 100% control over temp and humidity 24/7 and possibly also a co2 system.
I do 19/5 because I set my timer that way on accident and have been too lazy to reset it.
You are not the only one. Mind you, I eventually reset things to 20/4.

I've done 24/0, 19/5, and 20/4. They all work. They all get screwed up at least a bit by me, likely more screwed up by me than by any difference in these timings.

A proper test of this requires a few things : clones, not seeds; identical environments except for light; meaningful sample size for each treatment. Not going to happen with most home grows.

OTOH, playing can be fun. :biggrin: