Reputation profile of Mañ'O'Green

Reputation profile of Mañ'O'Green

good info
Thank you.
beautiful looking girls there mate.
Love the purple, she is a beast
Fantastic finish to a beautiful plant
Great posting!! Very detailed and helpful. Excellent comminity member. You really know your stuff. Thank you!!
Thanks for the detailed dosage info and reps!
Obrigado cunhado
learnt something new! hot spots and more about watering :D
Thanks for taking the time to explain it in detail!
Especially for the pink lady in center stage!
Thanks for the math help on my nutrients. Rep earned friend! Good looking out!
Not even done yet and I'm envious. Beautiful plant.
You are a wealth of knowledge
This thread is the shit
Magic tip. Thank you.
Happy Friday...
Wow. How? I need to get my self together!! Impressive.
Gave really good feedback and advice. I never used reputation before so thought I'd try it :) What does it do?