Nutrients BS Molasses ?


Cultivators Club
Apr 29, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Because I am on fire
Was wondering what every ones schedule's looked like when adding molasses ? I personally add a few 2/3ml doses per ltr from week 3 / 6. I have used it during late flower but I feel it give the bud too much of sweet smell so I stopped. Be interested to hear other peoples views
As far as I'm aware, molasses primarily feeds media/soil microbes and secondarily has some trace nutrients; and it's good or OK to use all the time.

I consider it very doubtful that sugars from the molasses make their way into your buds, that adding molasses somehow makes buds 'sweeter.'. How would that actually work? Plants mostly only use glucose, which is produced right in the the leaves, not other sugars (e.g., sucrose/common sugar, what's mostly in molasses).

Do you really want sugars in your buds? Isn't getting rid of any sugars a major part of curing?

And vaping or smoking seeming 'sweet' logically does not actually come from vaporized sugars, which if vaped (or even combusted) wouldn't be vaporized/inhaled (with sucrose having a boiling point about 700˚C, over 400˚C higher than cannabinoids). Are you sure what you consider "sweetness" is not really lack of some thing that makes it seem "non-sweet?; that "sweetness" is actually from sugars within the bud cells/tissue?
As far as I'm aware, molasses primarily feeds media/soil microbes and secondarily has some trace nutrients; and it's good or OK to use all the time.

I consider it very doubtful that sugars from the molasses make their way into your buds, that adding molasses somehow makes buds 'sweeter.'. How would that actually work? Plants mostly only use glucose, which is produced right in the the leaves, not other sugars (e.g., sucrose/common sugar, what's mostly in molasses).

Do you really want sugars in your buds? Isn't getting rid of any sugars a major part of curing?

And vaping or smoking seeming 'sweet' logically does not actually come from vaporized sugars, which if vaped (or even combusted) wouldn't be vaporized/inhaled (with sucrose having a boiling point about 700˚C, over 400˚C higher than cannabinoids). Are you sure what you consider "sweetness" is not really lack of some thing that makes it seem "non-sweet?; that "sweetness" is actually from sugars within the bud cells/tissue?
:clapper: nice reply mate wish I'd of made this switch to AFN sooner great reply .

I'll fill u in
Am not a new grower bit new to this site switched over because there was little to no autoflower support and even less respect for the genes over ther

As u mentioned above am fully aware that the BS feeds the microbes that in turn release the sugars the plant needs but I honestly stand by what I said I found that the first inhale when I'd open the tent had a really sweet smell too am not going to bull shit and claim to no the full science but it deffo made a difference to the taste and smell profile I don't mean it tasted like sugar I mean it had a sweeter profile that I can't quite explain

That said I respect that you are a good grower and that's why I posted the thread to find out what every ones opinion is

I have found that it works well in light mix and now I use a lot less bio grow . Grow is pretty much same thing being beet extract and feeding the microbes

I use sugar beet molasses. regular molasses is from sugar cane, a simple tuber. sugar beets are a complex vegetable. more of everything.
I feed from start to last two weeks when i go to plain well water. Any molasses is worth adding to your feed. :cheers:
you mention sugar beets, could you elaborate.? curious. :goauto:
I use sugar beet molasses. regular molasses is from sugar cane, a simple tuber. sugar beets are a complex vegetable. more of everything.
I feed from start to last two weeks when i go to plain well water. Any molasses is worth adding to your feed. :cheers:
you mention sugar beets, could you elaborate.? curious. :goauto:
I currently add standard meridian Bs molasses but used to own horses and you could buy bulk sugar beet in pellet form was great for fert teas I'll send u some links may be different in us

Along with sugarcane, sugar beets are among the most common plants used in the production of white sugar (3). Sugar beets are also used to produce other types of refined sugar, such as molasses and brown sugar (4).
Plant Substances or By-products. Fertilizers that are plant substances or by-products are often rich in nitrogen, sometimes in potassium. These fertilizers can be considered renewable resources, but you should take into account the resources that may have been needed to grow as well as process or transport them. Some, such as beet pulp and cottonseed meal, are by-products of other industries.

Alfalfa meal and pellets contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some rose growers report good results when it is used as a mulch.
The dried, shredded remains of sugar beets after the juices and sugars are extracted are sold as organic fertilizer. They are rich in nitrogen.
Corn gluten is a high-nitrogen fertilizer with the unique ability to inhibit germination of seeds. With it you can feed your lawn and prevent crabgrass at the same time.

It's super cheap too over here around $15 for about 20/30kg
I tried adding molasses to BioBizz LightMix but it seemed to attract too many insects. Like you mentioned, the molasses smell is noticable in the tent after a while, and that attract insects (at least in my situation). I regularly dose my nutes with Tribus microbes/Impello, and presume doing this in combination with the soil being organic is good enough, that I don't need to add sugars to boost beneficial microbe titer/concentration. But I'd definitely be adding molasses (maybe in form of ReCharge) if not directly feeding fresh microbes.
That's an interesting one I haven't used b4 can I have some more info please and any pics ?
I tried adding molasses to BioBizz LightMix but it seemed to attract too many insects. Like you mentioned, the molasses smell is noticable in the tent after a while, and that attract insects (at least in my situation). I regularly dose my nutes with Tribus microbes/Impello, and presume doing this in combination with the soil being organic is good enough, that I don't need to add sugars to boost beneficial microbe titer/concentration. But I'd definitely be adding molasses (maybe in form of ReCharge) if not directly feeding fresh microbes.
I just like in an experiment tbh and the price of bio grow is alot more than what I can get the beet for myself so it dose make sense I usually alternate them between and finish week with plain H2O I found with the heavy feeds I was getting really low run off pH when using it every feed like bio bizz recommend :doh: deffo sales patter and with autos u only get one shot at a clean run imo if u want the best out of her

Deffo agree about the smell it's a strong sweet scent that lingers on the bud hard to explain but deffo present glad u agree