Indoor 2nd Earthbox Garage Grow (Night Owl, Dark Owl, Gnome & Dream Beans)

R Wayne

Chi Cerca Trova
Cultivators Club
Oct 5, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Root Beer Float, ZaMango, Strawbba the Hutt, Jimmy Jacks, Invader Zam
Hello AFN. I’m starting my second garage grow. My 1st garage grow was met with an abundance of fungus gnats. I got rove beetles to help and they became over populated and ended up all over the tent, including on a lot of buds :wall:

This time I did a full tent clean and started with some fresh soil. Cleaned the earthboxes with soap and water this time too. Running in a 5x5 ac infinity tent along with their 6” ventilation system. Using a Mars Hydro FCE 3000 and TS 1000.


I’m also trying recipe 420 for the first time. I like the listed ingredients and it was only $15 per 1.5 cu.ft.


Always make sure to pack the…pack the…fu@& I can’t remember what they are called. But pack the holes where the water will get soaked up in the reservoir through capillary action.


This time I started with a preventative and added mosquito bits to the top 3 inches or so of the soil. When I opened the bag of soil I saw one fungus gnat fly out. So filled the EBs and with soil, watered them with dechlorinated water with recharge and quijalla. Added a bunch of sticky traps and left it for the last 3 days.


3 days later we got only 1 fungus gnat on the traps so I went ahead and direct sowed the seeds.


But before I planted, I scoop out about a solo cup worth of the 420 soil and add seed starter soil. I find it works better with heavier amended soils. Since I am running this soil for the first time, better safe than sorry.


Let’s get to the genetics, or funnest part of the start.

Night Owl - ZaMango (thanks again @JP1 for finding more of these seeds for me) some dank ass sativa.
Dark Owl - Marathon OG
Dream Beans - Blueberry Breath
Gnome Automatics - Black Strap

I move a little soil with my finger, sprinkle some mykos and toss the seed in. Then lightly cover it and give a few sprays of water. Done.


Tagging a few people off memory @Lil Dab @JP1 @WildBill @Bob's Auto's @Sawney_bean @Danielsaaan @Marshydro @Mozzy @Corum59 @Emerald Archer @hope2grow

Long post I know. Happy growing y’all.
This time I did a full tent clean and started with some fresh soil. Cleaned the earthboxes with soap and water this time too.

May seem a bit overkill but I do this after every grow always start with a clean/sterilized tent, pots, and fans. Thanks for the tag I'll be following along :d5::pass::pop:
Nice selection :thumbsup: That zamango must've come super quick in the mail
I had one seed left in my old pack. If I couldn’t get more I was going to save it and try to self it. But I ordered another pack from gaslamp :woohoo1:

Thanks for the rep @Lil Dab
Kind of wish you had a little more wattage in there. Like another TS1000. I the overlapping light would be kind of interesting in that tent with that setup .

My TS1000 will be a mom and maybe clone light . It grew decent cannabis in the 2.3 X2 .3 tent. But I wasn't very happy with the bud density. The spectrum may had a slight influence on that but I think it's basically a lack of power. There's just not enough wattage there for the intensity that's needed. I think it's a great veg light with the lower PDFD needed. It's very nice even canopy at the lower wattage.
Now, I do think that two of them in a small tent like that would kick some serious BUTT

Since it looks like it will be covering just one girl, it should do pretty well. I was trying to do two in Earth box juniors

I've been sort of tickling the wicking areas, That's what you couldn't remember what they were called , by adding a little bit of water to the reservoir just to get the wicking area a bit wet. That seems to help out in getting them on the rez. I like to double planting on the regular earth box.
Looks like an interesting selection ladies there.
Now I'm back to my astronaut show, For All Mankind On Apple TV ! Bad aSS series!
@R Wayne I bought a pack of ZaMango a couple years ago and have never got around to growing one. What has been your experience with it that you like it so much? I have really liked the Night Owl sativas I have grown, probably try ZaMango this fall. Good luck with your grow. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the tag! Following
I clean between every run as well. New or washed fabric pots


i am tuned in brotha!
May seem a bit overkill but I do this after every grow always start with a clean/sterilized tent, pots, and fans. Thanks for the tag I'll be following along :d5::pass::pop:
Happy to have yall here :smokeout:

I've been sort of tickling the wicking areas, That's what you couldn't remember what they were called
Thank you for that, I smoke too much…or maybe not enough. I also want to get another light, I look at the HLG website daily. Just so much damn money. Wish I could swing it right now. Thanks for the input too man.

@R Wayne I bought a pack of ZaMango a couple years ago and have never got around to growing one. What has been your experience with it that you like it so much? I have really liked the Night Owl sativas I have grown, probably try ZaMango this fall. Good luck with your grow. :thumbsup:
the ZaMango is awesome. Huge auto that gave me my biggest harvest yet and the smoke is great. Really nice energetic sativa effects and the smell is outta this world. If you took a bunch of melons, berries and mangos and let them rot together for a week, some straight fruity stanky funk. I bought more seeds and I’ll probably try to self the new pack I got. A keeper for sure. Over a half lb harvest. Thanks for the kind words. Here’s a pic of the ZaMango