Seed Stockers Seedstockers- Wedding Glue


Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you
Cultivators Club
Mar 24, 2021
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I grew some of these in solo cups a little bit ago and it was delicious with a real lemony/citrus flavor. I only have a nugget or two left so i decided to start up a 5 gal to replenish.


Seedstockers - Wedding Glue
5 gal (19L) Rain Science grow bag
Reused Michgan Made Mix with DynoMycos sprinkled in

Soaked for 12-24hr and direct planted.
3 days later we have life. It's a magical thing.

I use General Hydro, MaxiGro and supplement with Humbolt-Crystal Burst and Green Life Biotics-Brix and some other things as needed.

Day 1 was yesterday

Wedding Glue - Day 7
No complaints so far. Doing her thing and pushing out the 4th node with some branching at the lowest node. I have the lights set to give about 600ppfd vs my usual 350ish at the beginning. Going to see if it makes any difference in early stretch. Humidity has been a bit high lately. Hopefully it cools down a bit around here in the next day or two otherwise I might have to put the dehumidifier on.

Added about 1/4 tsp of MaxiGro to 2 gal of water and split it between the 2 plants in the tent. Water through with some runoff.

1 gal rain water with MaxiGro
@ pH 6.3, EC 150
(1 X 4-5 days per 5gal grow bag)

Wedding Glue - Day 14
She is on track to be a monster plant and already pushing out a 7th/8th node. Ill top her as soon as the 7th is about 1/4" clear of the 6th, my guess is probably tomorrow. I'll strip away the lowest node as well. That will give me 10 cola branches to work with. I'm going away for a few days next week and I'm excited to see the growth while I'm gone.

1 gal rain water with 1/2 tsp. MaxiGro
@ pH 6.3, EC 500
Plain water every other watering but adding some Silica, Epsom and FishShit
(1X every 4-5 days per 5gal grow bag)

Looks like you keeping your soil a bit to wet brother.
Try too delay watering until the soil is dry enough. One easy way to check is with your finger. Just poke it into the soil. If the tip of your finger is wet or feels cold, the soil is still wet enough :thumbsup:
Looks like you keeping your soil a bit to wet brother.
Try too delay watering until the soil is dry enough. One easy way to check is with your finger. Just poke it into the soil. If the tip of your finger is wet or feels cold, the soil is still wet enough :thumbsup:
I typically wait till I can pick the bag up. I don't usually have a problem with over watering although I may be a little guilty of under watering. Also, no water for about a week while I'm away.

I did just watered yesterday so it may seem a bit wet. Either way watered or not, i still get some moss growth which is one of the reasons for the fabric mats. That and to slow down my watering so I soak the entire pot.
Oh, unless you are thinking that the green is moss. That is the floraflex fabric mats.

They work great at protecting the top layer of soil and helping me to slow my watering down. They get a bit hydrophobic but that just makes me water ever slower.
Wedding Glue - Day 24
Looking great after being away for 5 days. Just goes to show what a little bit of LITFA can do for you. The lower branches are catching up to the tops and I didn't have to do any training. I did just pinch the branches on the lower nodes today to stimulate some more growth. Other than that, just watered and letting her do her thing as she gets her stretch on.

"Plain" water day -
1.5 gal rain water with 1/2 tsp. Epsom, 1/2 tsp of Recharge, .5ml of Silica, Green Life Biotics Liquid organic matter and Enhance
@ pH 6.3, EC 500
