twenty20 Bob takes Twenty20 on a BioTabs tour inside the Greenhouse - Growing Ogreberry King Band

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hey growers :toke:

A full house inside the greenhouse this year. Will probably have to much afterwards, but hey what you gonna do about that :shrug:LINK LINK LINK LINK or LINK :haha:
I've started three seeds tonight...
First off, I swiped the plate with some ISO to clean/sanitize it.
I was out of cotton pads so I used a paper tissue. Put 4ml demineralized water with one drop of H2O2 added in the middle of the pad. Then placed the three seeds spaced out. The first two to germinate will continue the race until I choose the one that gets to stay, but that's for laters...

Put another tissue over that and dropped another 4ml water on top of that. Then covered the plate with some microwave foil and put it inside the closet in my study which has a stable temperature and is dark. Now the waiting game has started...writing this reminded me I needed to put an alarm for within three days or I forget again :wall:

See you guys within three days :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Heck ya buddy, T20 never dissapoints. And from what I've seen, neither do your grows!
I'm gonna grow one plant this run. If the Ogreberry is anything like I've seen in previous member's posts I'll most likely be running it again, but that remains to be seen as I want to grow them all :thumbsup:

Thanks for chuggin' along mate :cheers:
Yeah, I know...I really overdo it this season in the greenhouse. If my missus would only know...But we're here now and I'll have to bite that bullet. :shrug:
It's not that I'm greedy, but got so many interesting opportunities this season and what happened, happened :thanks:
Hey guys :toke:

what did you think...Of course i forgot the seeds yesterday... But, I did plant them today...

When I'm done with work I'll be transfering the pouches into the greenhouse. On the left are two sprouts and on the right is one.


Bob :toke:
I can never get tails that best maybe 1/2 inch but usually 1/4 inch.
It's the genetics I think... It's not the first time I forgot to take out the seeds after three days.
And today all three where up. One got the shell removed manually as it was hanging on by a thread.

And the two others I left alone as the shell was still attached firmly and I don't want to damage them...


Bob :toke:
And the two others I left alone as the shell was still attached firmly and I don't want to damage them..
Where the seed casing split for the roots I find tweezers work great. You close the tweezers, insert them into the small crack of the seed casing then the springing open action of releasing the tweezers will pop the seed open. I have pointy tweezers but most will work. :pass:
or you can be a Jedi master and have the patience to wait it out