Cloning autos, the key may be tissue culture!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
This needs more looking into, but I've always suspected that tissue culture was the key t cloning autos. There is an excellent article on growweedeasy on tissue culture and her mentions that it works for autos and seems to reset the clock! No direct link to auto information was included but I'm looking into this more. I had always thought that using a very young seedling might be the key but it seems that using bud fragments holds the answers.
This needs more looking into, but I've always suspected that tissue culture was the key t cloning autos. There is an excellent article on growweedeasy on tissue culture and her mentions that it works for autos and seems to reset the clock! No direct link to auto information was included but I'm looking into this more. I had always thought that using a very young seedling might be the key but it seems that using bud fragments holds the answers.

There are some commercial grows using tissue culturing here in Colorado, but it's not common (I suspect it's expensive, and the requirements for sterility ixnays a lot of grows immediately.)

@derek420colorado and I have talked quite a bit about it for autoflowers; I'm sure we could find some companies out there that offer kits and see if we can't get some testing done?
This needs more looking into, but I've always suspected that tissue culture was the key t cloning autos. There is an excellent article on growweedeasy on tissue culture and her mentions that it works for autos and seems to reset the clock! No direct link to auto information was included but I'm looking into this more. I had always thought that using a very young seedling might be the key but it seems that using bud fragments holds the answers.
Interesting read as usual Pop :thumbsup:
Wondering if the whole process is needed to "reset" an AF or if just the rooting part would reset it.
Maybe you can get oone of them to sponsor some tests here on AFN!

That's the plan!
