Dmt vape pens?


Clean Glass + New Whip
Jan 2, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Island Sweet Skunk, Comatose, el Chapo, and others.
Anyone tried the dmt vape cartridges?

Crystalized Dmt was around in the 70s, and I smoked and snorted it. It was like the peak of an acid trip but only lasted a half hour or so, making it much more manageable than long Shroom, Peyote, or LSD trips.

Some say the trip has to be long to gain any real learnings but I have also read about medical benefits from dmt that linger for a few weeks...all from an hour of fun.

Let me know what you think of these carts, I am considering them.
Anyone tried the dmt vape cartridges?

Crystalized Dmt was around in the 70s, and I smoked and snorted it. It was like the peak of an acid trip but only lasted a half hour or so, making it much more manageable than long Shroom, Peyote, or LSD trips.

Some say the trip has to be long to gain any real learnings but I have also read about medical benefits from dmt that linger for a few weeks...all from an hour of fun.

Let me know what you think of these carts, I am considering them.
I tried one once, didn't do much of anything at all for me but I've got ptsd and a brain injury so they can block some of the psychoactive effects apparently. Tasted like I was vaping gasoline though so pretty gross, not sure if thats what it is supposed to taste like or if the person who had me try it was misled or what.
I read that they taste "like a mummies asshole". ...I'd like to know more about his point of reference LOL

I cant remember what smoking the freebase tasted like (back in the day I was a heavy tobacco and cannabis smoker so my tastebuds might have been shot) but snorting it was horrid.
It probably isn't the worst thing I've tasted, I've chewed swallowed smoked drank and snorted the foullest things. .
I have a few dmt pens. I have friends that synthesize it and make carts. Personally, I enjoy using them, but I have never actually blasted off with one. I don't think a cart actually gives you enough at a time to get you there. The best way to "blast off" is to smoke in through a quartz banger in a water pipe. If synthesized properly it should taste like the plant its extracted from. Usually Mimosa or Acacia bark. Hope this helps!
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It probably isn't the worst thing I've tasted, I've chewed swallowed smoked drank and snorted the foullest things. .
Ya.... I tried a vape pen last year and couldn't get over the taste and smell,made me gag and I swear I could still smell and taste it for days after,like it was stuck in my nasal cavity or something. I even projectile vomited one time while I was half way through the trip lol....still don't know if it was from the smell/taste or the rush of serotonin.

I didn't even finish the pen because I couldn't get over the taste and smell. Everyone has different tastes though lol