Quick and Dirty deficiency picture depot (expanded to include other issues as well)

:d5: excellent! .... well, as an example at least, and for both the diagnosis and spotting the trouble source- :crying: - well done, sahhhhhh! :slap:
............ did you have a look at the suspect valve to see how badly corroded it was? That's an real eye opener MoG, the speed and amount of ionic Cu that was stripped off of it,... how long was it in before they started ailing? ...looking into it more, Cu can become rather toxic past those micronute-level req's! ----- :cheers: thanks mate, I'll get those pics into the Cu posting, it's classic, especially the bloating of the roots- :nono: fugly! (gotta check in on the Wild Thai results too!):eyebrows:
@Waira It only took a few days for the signs of toxicity to show up. I did not know what it was the first time. The pictures are from the second attempt at germination. The brass bulkhead was green with oxidation but the picture does not show it well.


The Wild Thailand made excellent rosin with very good yield. The aroma is so Thailand! My smoke testers have been alerted that it is ready for trial. Will do a full report after they test for me. I don't smoke and the testers are like herding cats:haha:.
@Waira very nice job here, wish I had these pages in a pocket note book about 25 yrs ago, to me this thread is like the main control panel of diagnosis, u should jus about be able grow anything plant wise with this thread. Now time to really fine tune and maximize this indoor stuff, I've only ran photos indoors long enough to take out doors, I've done some but now real effort guess until about 5 yrs ago, outdoors I didn't stress as bad about deficiency because corn fields are pretty stable haha, but indoors ive seen just about everything but copper and boron Prolly and always argue to myself about P or Cal issue. But man great write up. Will be very useful, and very cut dry and easy to use, can't wait.
I don't smoke and the testers are like herding cats:haha:.
:crying: better than cleaning up after them! :gassy: :haha: .... mate, give the WTR a try sometime, your peep's will be in orbit- :greenthumb:

@Waira very nice job here, wish I had these pages in a pocket note book about 25 yrs ago, to me this thread is like the main control panel of diagnosis, u should jus about be able grow anything plant wise with this thread. Now time to really fine tune and maximize this indoor stuff, I've only ran photos indoors long enough to take out doors, I've done some but now real effort guess until about 5 yrs ago, outdoors I didn't stress as bad about deficiency because corn fields are pretty stable haha, but indoors ive seen just about everything but copper and boron Prolly and always argue to myself about P or Cal issue. But man great write up. Will be very useful, and very cut dry and easy to use, can't wait.
:cheers: :thanks: Cheers Mid'! mostly, this is bit and pieces gathered from several sources,.. it's how i started learning, and I got sick of bouncing all over the web for this info, so I tucked in one place,... JM's text heavy Self-Diagnosis thread is a good co-tool with this one,... The Cannabis Encyclopedia has a good section on this as well, but real photo's are hands down the only way to go,... the two really need a re-do/edit + combining, but that's such a task, I'm not sure when it'll get done,...
A good tip my man: get a dedicated micronutrient supplement, like Earth Juice Microblast.. i like that because it's so clean, no significant NPK, and much of it's sulfate based, a bonus for S.... I add it in weekly all through the grow, they need to be present and available at low levels all the time,.. but i think after some time in the soil, that may lose proper chelation, and then those very reactive metal cations get hooked up into something that takes them out of the loop even if still present,... humic-fulvic ar a big help in conjunction too, BTW, also something i use regularly... check out the reference section for a great article on humic-fulvic's, what they, what they do,... I like BioAg's stuff... they have a powder Ful-Humic that's very concentrated, an excellent value,... I'm really liking the Ful-Power, which is pure fulvic, low molecular weight stuff, which means the plant can physically absorb it, and what's chelated in it, inot the cells,.. larger humic's can't fit, but still do chelate,... fulvic is bomb as a foliar in conjunction with nutes, supp's, for light feds or treating defc's,.... if you want max-ass kicking, get Optic Foliar's Transport to use with foliars... read up on that at their site, what it does, etc.,... i have an old showcase review on it with Microblast for treating a Zn/Fe defc.,... frikkin' magic! :wiz:... Oh, and Si, which does several wonderful things, another great supp' to add in consistent low level dosing, for best effects!
:crying: better than cleaning up after them! :gassy: :haha: .... mate, give the WTR a try sometime, your peep's will be in orbit- :greenthumb:

:cheers: :thanks: Cheers Mid'! mostly, this is bit and pieces gathered from several sources,.. it's how i started learning, and I got sick of bouncing all over the web for this info, so I tucked in one place,... JM's text heavy Self-Diagnosis thread is a good co-tool with this one,... The Cannabis Encyclopedia has a good section on this as well, but real photo's are hands down the only way to go,... the two really need a re-do/edit + combining, but that's such a task, I'm not sure when it'll get done,...
A good tip my man: get a dedicated micronutrient supplement, like Earth Juice Microblast.. i like that because it's so clean, no significant NPK, and much of it's sulfate based, a bonus for S.... I add it in weekly all through the grow, they need to be present and available at low levels all the time,.. but i think after some time in the soil, that may lose proper chelation, and then those very reactive metal cations get hooked up into something that takes them out of the loop even if still present,... humic-fulvic ar a big help in conjunction too, BTW, also something i use regularly... check out the reference section for a great article on humic-fulvic's, what they, what they do,... I like BioAg's stuff... they have a powder Ful-Humic that's very concentrated, an excellent value,... I'm really liking the Ful-Power, which is pure fulvic, low molecular weight stuff, which means the plant can physically absorb it, and what's chelated in it, inot the cells,.. larger humic's can't fit, but still do chelate,... fulvic is bomb as a foliar in conjunction with nutes, supp's, for light feds or treating defc's,.... if you want max-ass kicking, get Optic Foliar's Transport to use with foliars... read up on that at their site, what it does, etc.,... i have an old showcase review on it with Microblast for treating a Zn/Fe defc.,... frikkin' magic! :wiz:... Oh, and Si, which does several wonderful things, another great supp' to add in consistent low level dosing, for best effects!
I think the Ful power is great, and I use a bit of kelp with it in veg, makes the plants happy!
Can some one help me please I’m a 1st time grower Does this look like a phosphorus deficiency


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We would need a lot more information. Soil type, water, ph of input, whole plant pics
Can't a cal mg burn also look like that the right stage of the burn. I fought a calmg is as if it was phosphorus and then fought a phosphorus issue that was cal mg issue think it was @pop22 thread or pics of difencency I ended up getting it fixed with couple days or water only and trim dead burnt stuff off and a fan to dry out roots after she ducked up water and pushed it back out.