Insects: The good, The Bad, and the Bugly


Cultivators Club
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
Alright...welcome to the new AFN gameshow thread. This game is going to be interesting!! All you have to do is take a pic of a bug you catch on your plants. If you dont know what the bug is post your continent, and a clear pic of the bug. Then we all have to brainstorm and try to find out what it is, and whether its beneficial, harmless or harmful and should be eraticated. For every correct response i will be dropping max rep, and if you see someone get a correct response drop them a shot of rep!!
If this thread stays active and enough information and clear pics of bugs supplied, we will talk about compiling Continental guides of insects.

Rock n roll!!

I will get this party started with an easy one

Location: North America
Size 3/8" long

And another one:
Location: North America
Size: 1/2"


And another one
Location: North America
Size: 1/8"

And one more!!
Location: North America
Size: 1/2"


@Waira , @wwwillie , @Tin Wiskers , @StickMan , @captcold , @Mossy, @hecno , More tags later!! Tag in folks you know!!
1 looks like Japanese beatle
2 looks like the boring worm that ate my rowan tree
3 thrip?
4 no clue!
1. Japanese Beetles doing what the do best (other than eat). We are infested with these, they love vines (grape) on our house and fences. I had 4 plants right along our north fence-line, around and almost under the vines, their were 1,000's of these bastards but I do have to say they DOD NOT have anything to do with my plants. Personally I would consider them low on the canna radar, but if you have grape vines (or certain flowers like zinnia, roses, Geraniums) they will come and just about destroy them. Hand pick them is best on plants, preventative in the future would be parasitic nematodes put on your lawn where the grubs and or eggs are (this takes years to diminish), we spray our vines with high pressure water hose..they bolt for the day but will come back, continue to spray with water and they eventually go elsewhere...not such a good solution for canna but my FYI.
2. No clue...:shrug:
3. Young Thripe or maybe Aphids? I've had Aphids...little bastards are hard to see and damage is slow. Keep a good eye out for them (under your leaves and on stems). a magnifying glass helps! As they age they turn browner or orangish in color, i used a simple dish soap and water chemicals, (you could buy organic insecticidal soaps) it will drown them actually. Easy when plant is younger, but when the buds come be careful how much you spray the soapy water, you could mold up. Constant inspection is best...but beware, Parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction is how the dude needed, they will rapidly take over!
4. No clue...maybe cutworm?
1 looks like Japanese beatle
2 looks like the boring worm that ate my rowan tree
3 thrip?
4 no clue!

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] correct!
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] incorrect (pretty sure)
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] incorrect

That's interesting, can i play?

Yeah for sure bud!! You can either guess the pics up, or post pics of your own insects.

When number 4 faces the camera, does it look like this:

If so it might be the alien from dreamcatcher

Hahahaha :D If it morphs into a tremors graboid then we are all in trouble!!

1. Japanese Beetles doing what the do best (other than eat). We are infested with these, they love vines (grape) on our house and fences. I had 4 plants right along our north fence-line, around and almost under the vines, their were 1,000's of these bastards but I do have to say they DOD NOT have anything to do with my plants. Personally I would consider them low on the canna radar, but if you have grape vines (or certain flowers like zinnia, roses, Geraniums) they will come and just about destroy them. Hand pick them is best on plants, preventative in the future would be parasitic nematodes put on your lawn where the grubs and or eggs are (this takes years to diminish), we spray our vines with high pressure water hose..they bolt for the day but will come back, continue to spray with water and they eventually go elsewhere...not such a good solution for canna but my FYI.
2. No clue...:shrug:
3. Young Thripe or maybe Aphids? I've had Aphids...little bastards are hard to see and damage is slow. Keep a good eye out for them (under your leaves and on stems). a magnifying glass helps! As they age they turn browner or orangish in color, i used a simple dish soap and water chemicals, (you could buy organic insecticidal soaps) it will drown them actually. Easy when plant is younger, but when the buds come be careful how much you spray the soapy water, you could mold up. Constant inspection is best...but beware, Parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction is how the dude needed, they will rapidly take over!
4. No clue...maybe cutworm?

Damn tin wiskers is right on it!! Nicely done bud!!

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Japanese beetles....totally agree with everything you stated. I have however had minimal damage caused to certain canna plants from the Japanese beetles. Those little bastards decimate plants like beans and asparagus.

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Hmmm a stumper!! Kind of a trick entry!!

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Yep you got it....only found a single one on the plant but it is indeed an aphid.

[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] And another hit! It is indeed a cut worm.

Very well done @Tin Wiskers!
I would agree that any plant including Canna would be a victim of Japanese Beetles...I think in my case for sure, the vines and other plants we are surrounded by due to my wife's gardens, kept my Canna from being their choice of dinner and mating pad...:pass:
Ok, the first, third and fourth are known and the second is pretty hard to find, but i would bet my ass it´s a caterpillar and it´s one of these 4.... @912GreenSkell

Pieris rapae
Xestia c-nigrum
Bucculatrix Ainsliella
Acontia Candefacta