Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Just learned about the pages feature lol)

ZE Day 26 & HBSS Day 21 (Autpot on, Airdomes on)

Things are really turning around for the better for the Zamaldelica! All of the new growth is progressively looking more and more healthy. Shes showing a tiny bit of N-excess but i remember from last time, she is super sensitive to Nitrogen, so ill probably just let her freak out a little. As long as the Hubbabubbasmelloscope is looking good, im happy. I also noticed little pre-flowers on the ZE, so that means HBSS isnt too far behind! Now with the res on, and the airdomes, i have noticed growth speed up a LOT, its amazing. The reservoir has a funky smell, but im told thats to be expected from using Megacrop so now that i have an airstone (it hasnt changed my pH over the last two days) going in it at a schedule of 2 hours on, 2 hours off -- i feel much better. And the airstone is definitely helping minimize the smell. I think organic nutes start to get funky if you leave them sitting.

I did a round of LST a few days ago, and i think this coming week ill do another round. At res-change im going to raise my MC from 2.5g/gal to 3.5g/gal and see if that brings by EC to at least 1.10. Right now its hovering at around 0.92 (and drops as the res gets used up). Not gonna integrate Bud Explosion yet -- i think ill wait till both plants are properly flowering before adding this. I also add 2ml/gal of silica and 0.5ml/gal of Flying Skull Z7.

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Is that green algae? ZE looks a bit overwatered
okay THANK YOU! yes i think youre absolutely right -- shes overwatered. Everything ive seen online about coco says to water every day, so thats what i did but i honestly think thats WAY too much. I watered/fed today but im gonna hold off on feeding more until i can see the coco get lighter in color. Do you think the papery-ness of her leaves also has to do with overwatering?
okay THANK YOU! yes i think youre absolutely right -- shes overwatered. Everything ive seen online about coco says to water every day, so thats what i did but i honestly think thats WAY too much. I watered/fed today but im gonna hold off on feeding more until i can see the coco get lighter in color. Do you think the papery-ness of her leaves also has to do with overwatering?
Once their roots r established u can water every day sometimes twice a day depending.
okay THANK YOU! yes i think youre absolutely right -- shes overwatered. Everything ive seen online about coco says to water every day, so thats what i did but i honestly think thats WAY too much. I watered/fed today but im gonna hold off on feeding more until i can see the coco get lighter in color. Do you think the papery-ness of her leaves also has to do with overwatering?
I'm not sure because the plants I've grown have all acted differently, I think it depends on the strain mostly. If you let it dry a bit and it gets worse, you'll know it just needs water and you can just give it a good soak
got ittt. forgive this potentially obvious can i tell when their roots are established?
Go to the mephisto subforum. A member @slowandeasy put together a great guide for starting seeds in coco. Tells u how much and when to water to get good root development. Everybody who follows his guidelines has great success. Environment is key too. Check it out you’ll have an incredible next crop.
You’ll know the roots r established when they start making big moves above ground and so long as tor temps and humidity r good they’ll start drinking more drying the pots out faster. They will explode if the first two weeks r done right. The next two r important also but these first two weeks really set the tone.

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