Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Day 0 to 12)

Hey! This is my second attempt at growing plants! The first time went totally tits-up after I found what was possibly gnats at my roots, chonking away on my plant. I dont know though -- it was mysterious and nobody seemed to know what it was. Regardless, someone told me it was a fungus, so i sprayed my plant with a (natural, plant safe) Sierra Natural Sciences fungus spray, but my plant HATED IT and died. So. Yes.

My approach this time is to leave it the hell alone as best I can. I loved my first plant to death. Oops. Okay, on with the show!

- I'm currently on day 12 & 8 of one Zamaldelica Express (D12) and two HBSS (D12 and D8). Whichever of the two HBSS is smaller will be culled once my Autopots arrive (more on this later).
- Tent: 2 x 2.5 x 7' Gorilla Grow (definitely gonna do a more budget friendly tent when i upgrade to a larger tent one day. GG is great though.)
- Light: HLG 225
- Fans: ACInfinity Cloudline S4 // 2 small muffin fans that can move a LOT of air // 1 Vornado fan. FANS FANS FANS.
- Temp & RH: Automated at 81F & 60% RH
- Medium: Biobizz Coco with 30% perlite (more on this later)
- Nutrients: Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop (and possibly Bud Explosion) // Mad Farmer Silica // Recharge // Great White // SNS 209 soil drench (currently ONLY using Mega Crop daily and Great White every 10 days).
- EC & pH: Currently feeding ~550 EC (0.55) @ 5.8-6.0 pH

MISTAKES I'VE MADE SO FAR (in my second grow. my first grow had more errors than i can count):
- Since this is my first coco grow, I read through all of cocoforcannabis website and learned tons. However, I washed the Biobizz coco which came pre-buffered/pre-charged in a bag. This was dumb because afterward i didnt even buffer with cal-mag correctly. So now the coco isnt great. HOWEVER, its not the end of the world because i have more coco and still need to transplant the plants into their final pots. So i'll be doing that once the Autopots arrive.

- Damaged taproot. Yep -- i started the seeds in a Rapid Rooter and that was great, until i started getting cold feet about having the rapid rooter in the final (3 gal) pot and not knowing how to properly water. Runoff? No runoff? I found conflicting advice. So i decided to transplant into solo cups (which is actually great and ill be doing it in my future grows) in order to encourage healthy roots. However, when doing that, i ripped part of the taproot off the bottom of first HBSS. This has reaaaaallly left her looking fucked up. To her credit, shes still kinda sorta growing. Lesson learned though.

- Overwatering. Not possible in coco? Its totally possible in coco. Based on the advice on cocoforcannabis, i assumed that you are SUPPOSED to water/fertigate your plant every single day. Uh, yeah, no. I learned that you should still really only water as the plant needs it -- which in its early life is NOT every single day. Now my Zamaldelica is showing some signs of overwatering. Not the end of the world.

- Autopots: They're set to arrive on wednesday, at which point i will choose the best two of the three seedlings i have to put into the pots. The two largest ones will have between 3-4 nodes, so they'll be ready for transplant anyway. I will set up the pots with an airdome (im way too curious not to try this), a layer of hydroton, and a coco mix of 40% perlite and 60% coco. Does this seem okay? I will continue to top feed for 10 days, and then i will turn on the airdome for 5 days. After that, i will turn on the reservoir and let the plants go.

- Training: Since im (foolishly) growing two plants in autopots (2.2 gal) in a 2x2.5 tent, i will do extensive LST to train them to stay as short as possible. I have the time to dedicate to it.

Okay, on to what you came here to see

Zamaldelica Express (D1)

HBSS 1 (D1)

Zam (D3 i think. ignore the writing)


HBSS 2 (D1. ignore the writing. i've since amended the way i count days.)

Zam (D7) // HBSS 1 (D7) // HBSS 2 (D3)
IMG_1208.jpg IMG_1211.jpg IMG_1210.jpg

Zam (D9) // HBSS 1 (D9) // HBSS 2 (D5)
IMG_1217.jpg IMG_1218.jpg IMG_1219.jpg

Zam (D12) // HBSS 1 (D12) // HBSS 2 (D8)
IMG_1230.jpg IMG_1231.jpg IMG_1232 2.jpg

I'll continue to update with growth as we go on! If you see anything i could be doing better, please please let me know. Im very open to learning and growing. No egos here.

Stay safe and have a good one!

(tagging users: @pop22 @Olderfart @Groff [groff, i bookmarked your "mistakes" post about coco and you're the reason i realized i shouldnt have washed my coco])
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