Weeks 2, 3, and 4.

I'm way behind on updates - Sorry. Started a new job a few weeks ago. Haven't been neglecting the plants (Priorities, man!), but I wanted to document some of the things that transpired beyond the transition from seedling and into veg.

I'm still following the BAS schedule/timeline with a few minor additions.
  1. Add insect frass top dress whenever I'm top dressing anything else (e.g. craft blend + grokashi every other week)
  2. Add 1.5g agisil (little less than 1/2 tsp) to the weekly dosing.

Weekly Progression & Emerging Toxicity

Around day 10, I started to notice some signs of issues in Triks. Just a subtle interveinal chlorosis. No similar signs in Whiskey.

Triks - Day 10.jpg
Whiskey Zulu - Day 10.jpg
Triks - Day 10Whiskey Zulu - Day 10
By day 18, I noticed similar development in Whiskey. In her case, the burn was a little more obvious, as it presented rapidly in leaf margins and tips. Still thinking this was burn, I opted to top both at node 5.

Triks - Day 18 (2).jpg

Triks - Day 18 (2).jpg
Whiskey Zulu - Day 18.jpg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 18 (2).jpg
Triks - Day 18Whiskey Zulu - Day 18
Within another week, the issues seemed to abate. I resisted the urge to change anything, as these symptoms seemed to align with a Phosphorous toxicity. While older growth still shows the issue, newer leaves and bud sites were looking relatively normal by Day 26.

Triks - Day 26.jpg
Whiskey Zulu - Day 26.jpg
Triks - Day 26Whiskey Zulu - Day 26
Which brings us to today (Day 30). Both plants seem happy, healthy, and are sprawling out. Still signs of burn; but far from the extremes I observed a couple weeks ago.

Triks - Day 30.jpg

Triks - Day 30 (2).jpg
Whiskey Zulu - Day 30.jpg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 30 (2).jpg
Triks - Day 30Whiskey Zulu - Day 30
In addition to the aforementioned topping at node 5 on day 18, I started employing some LST on day 26. Nothing extreme here; just want to get as many of those budsites up and into the canopy as possible. Whiskey has been easier in this regard - she's a little lanky with convenient node spacing. Triks, on the other hand, is bushy and has already taken some light defoliation already. For now, I'm just removing burnt leaves from early on that are getting in the way. Will probably get a little more aggressive with it as she approaches flower.


  • Haven't changed a thing here besides ramping up exhaust a little as they've grown. (My T6 is running on 3 now -- which is plenty to create a vacuum in my 5x5x6.5).
  • Last week's averages are 77.4F & 64.2% RH.
  • Shut the humidifier off just yesterday. The cucumbers are getting huge and providing ample humidity.


As mentioned, I'm following the BAS schedule. So I'm amending prescribed components into a weekly top-watering. I split a gallon of feed mix between both plants.

In my previous EB run, I failed to incorporate a dry cycle and ultimately I paid the price for it in the end by way of fungus gnats. (I highly suspect other root issues, but to be fair the gnat larvae could've been the root of it all) This time, I'm letting the rezzes in the EB dry out altogether. Then I wait a day, top water my feedings/dressings, and then wait another day before refilling the rez.

Thanks for reading!

I'll try and be a little more regular with updates. Things are starting to get interesting. :)
  • Triks - Day 18.jpg
    Triks - Day 18.jpg
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Been thinking on how to lst with the EBs. Looks like the binder clips and soft wire work just fine!

Yep, only minor issues. The EB has a lip that you can connect clips to. There are sections where it won't secure, but you'll find enough spots not to have any issues in my experience. Just make sure they're secure. I had one snap off in my last grow, and it took a chunk of the plant with it!

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