Weeks 10 and 11 in Aerogardens (white widow auto)

Got my extra grow lights just in time. Looks like the growth has finally slowed down and the buds are starting to fatten up. I did have to trim off a handful of yellowing fan leaves towards the bottom. Looking forward to seeing what happens this week. If all goes well, Sadie will be going through a flush next week.
Sadie week 11.jpg
Freida week 10.jpg


So my younger girl's Ph spiked this week for the first time and she started shedding leaves as well as yellowing. Is this because she's entering the final stages of flowering? She just started week 10 and I've been religiously changing the water and nutes weekly. There is a small buildup of nutes at the bottom of the basin, but not a lot. Also, even though she's a week younger, she seems to be further along on the bud development. Should I harvest them at the same time?
Freida week 10 high Ph.jpg

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