Weekend update girls are putting in work

Found some time to post an update after a busy week at work and a productive one in the tent too….

The Double Grape sisters are just about two weeks old. I had previously given a light feeding of just soil conditioner to the left girl, and a half dose of my seedling column nutrients to the right. You could see the difference immediately. I waited three days until they got dry and mixed up another half dose of nutes for both girls this time. Was 275 PPM, 0452 EC, and a PH of 6.7. I also got myself a sweet little LUX meter so I could tweak my light height in. Extremely happy with the purchase, it is the Dr. Meter brand from amazon. Tent ambient temp is hovering at 78-80F, the leaves about 74F per infrared thermometer reading, and RH is controlled for 60/65. They are getting 35,200 LUX right now. Just gonna sit back and let them do their thing for now, overall extremely happy with them so far.

Tent shot

Tossing up the new growth and node.

LUXed at 35,400

Now my Kush lady is maturing and starting to flower. It’s about time for another light defoliation because there’s tons of lush new growth under those top fan leaves. Some bud sites are trying to poke thru. She’s taller than my seedlings and getting about 56,000 LUX. Seems decent to me. I’ve started to transition to the bloom nutrients column. Mixed up a feeding to 1700 PPM, 1552 EC, and PH 6.34. I’m happy to see she’s drinking the nutes and making progress, all is well minus a few bruised leaves and tips from moving her in and out.

Tippy top!

Lush new growth under the top. You can see a few pre-flower calyx with pistils poking out. I was pumped to spot them!

Another calyx shot!

Using the Dr. Meter digital LUX meter

Kush top getting 56,200 LUX


Well that’s all for now folks, let me know what you think!


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