Week 7

Week 7 just started...Here's some pictures.

I am very cautious with nutes due to the light nute burn I got during veg. I think they are a bit light in color and would need more, but I will not feed more than once a week. Next feed probably on day 48!
I think that the light color is due to the past light nute burn maybe causing some micronutrients lock out, I excluded light and pH because seem alrite. Another reason for light color could be that my water is a little too hard (220 ppm) and maybe also plants are a little bit rootbound; they are around 65 cm in height in 6.5 litres pots. We live and we learn, it's my first grow with this set up and in this house!

Day 45: approx. 1 litre of water.
Day 48: approx 1.3 litre of water with 1/4 balanced biobizz bloom nutrients.

Lighting: roughly 50 cm from top of plants, 80% on the knob --> light back to roughly 68% 45-50 cm from top see below

I think I understood why the leaves look discolored: it is the light! So how I found out:

I have a plant, not shown in the diary which is about 10-12 days behind. I have not overfed her like the other 2, and was growing with a nice color for most of her life, as it was smaller (so further from light) and also the other two were covering her quite a bit at times. Now, she also increased in size and got much closer to the light, and I noticed that only the leaves exposed to it are discolouring. In addition, I noticed a tiny bit of twisting on the new growth of the plant 10 days behind. I started digging.....

I downloaded an app to measure the lux, and then I have converted it to ppfd using an online converter selecting the spectrum of my LED light. I have also looked at the ppfd chart in the light instructions. To cut the story short, I was giving them too much light. More or less with this light now I try to stay around 20,000 lux, which for this LED is equivalent to about 520 ppfd which, as it is on 19 hours, work out to about 38-40 DLI. Before, it was constantly getting 30, 000, so about 750 ppfd, this probably started around week 5 when I increased the power a bit.
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