Week 7

Day 43, 10/21/2021: Everything was pretty much the same as yesterday, with the exception of the reservoir pH. Probably because I didn't leave everything to mix for long enough to equilibrate.... and I also forgot to open the valve to actually water/feed the plants. (They're fine. I was getting concerned about the soil being too moist anyway.) I trimmed a few more heavily damaged leaves and called it good.

Day 44: I think my ladies are feeling better than they were yesterday. I cleared out a bunch of undergrowth in Seed 1, opening up some space for the buds lower down in the canopy and trimmed more of the worst-off leaves of Seed 2. Both plants are starting to develop some frost! Seed 2 (Bearsquanch OG) is a little farther along than Seed 1 (Forum Stomper). I'm so jazzed to see it come in! pH was up to 6.5 when I checked today. (I left it at 6.2-6.3 last night.) I'm going to check it again when I wake up tomorrow and re-pH it if needed; I'd like to get a handle on how long it'll hold for and how often I'll have to adjust it between nightly maintenance runs. I've included some shots of my buds, but I think the glands are still too small to pick out in a photograph. I wish I had a better phone macro lens to catch 'em at every stage.

Day 45: I checked the pH this afternoon and again during maintenance tonight: it's holding at 6.5, but today's reads started out higher and adjusting down whereas yesterday, they started low and crept up.. I'm going to continue keeping tabs on it for the next few days to monitor pH creep and figure out how much mixing time is needed to get a final pH on feeding days.

Both plants are working on frosting up! This is so exciting. I was doing a little defol (I think on Seed 1, but I'm not sure) and snipped the bud shown in the Day 45 frost picture below. They're not yet back to being as strong and healthy as they were before they started running out of nutrients, but they're getting there.

Day 46: Both checks on the reservoir pH today showed it holding steady at 6.5; Seed 1's soil came in at 6.4 and Seed 2 was 6.5. Since the new growth is still looking a little light, I fed 20 ml of cal-mag solution and am looking for good ways to supplement nitrogen. (I'm going to start using water from my 55 gallon fish tank to refill the reservoir. The fish will appreciate more consistent water changes, and the plants will get their wastewater, which should add like 0.5 ppm ammonia lol. But at least the water gets recycled!)

After checking the water level and pH of the reservoir and adding cal-mag, I did a moderate visual inspection and trim of damaged leaves and buds that weren't getting enough light and air circulation. I also moved the trellis net up a little ways and tied a few stems to it to open things up on Seed 1.

I managed to lose my phone inside my own house today. No idea where it went, but no pictures tonight because I still haven't found it!

Day 47: Joke's on me, I dropped my phone outside the house. My husband found it in the pouring rain this morning. He was going to leave it to dry before I turned it on again, but the alarm clock started going off. Fun fact: the Pixel 4a will detect liquid/debris in the USB port and disable it to prevent water damage. Then it pops up a notification telling you so that you can't dismiss until it's cleared out or dries. What a time to be alive.

I added 4 gallons (~15 l) of fish tank water to the reservoir tonight with cal-mag and one-quarter strength tiger bloom, pHing to 6.5. I left it to mix for about 6 hours and checked the pH again--it's holding. I'm concerned with the brown leaf tips on Seed 2 and plan to stop fucking around with adding things to the water for the rest of the week. Meanwhile, Seed 1 looks like she's exploding.

Day 48: Reservoir came in at 6.6 tonight and was subsequently adjusted down to 6.5. I am getting so impatient for this grow to finish up! I'm already planning my next run--two Mephisto Skywalkers, move the reservoir out of the tent to accomodate them both, and a stoner-engineered Pringles can for the Multiverse challenge grow, possibly in a party stack can. Possibly. Not sure if we're gonna get a second tent for drying and curing, or a compact refrigerator for low n' slow curing. So many options to think about!

Day 49, 10/27/2021: More pH creep, more pHing down. More bud development! I'm so excited to smoke this. I'm also excited to buy more seeds--I've got my eye on a few new (to me) ones from Mephisto and Sweet Seeds.... :D


Frost report


Week 7, start

Frost starting to come in!

Day 45 frost
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