Week 5 Kerosene Krash Day 29

Week 5 Update 5, Kerosene Krash

It's been a busy week in the garden, Kerosene Betty has been demanding water and with this hot weather and gulping 2litres a day.

The LST at the beginning of the week on Betty has really opened her up to the light and a heavy defol was required, 3 days later. I inadvertently split one half of her trunk when tightening the training straps resulting in having to tie her the wrong way to help with the healing process. Thirty six hours later and the split is all but healed, however I will have to have a rethink on how to proceed with this branch. Hopefully the surrounding branches will catch up, a rouge stretchy kola isn't going to help me out with an even canopy. A second round of nutrients with added molasses was given on day 25

Kerosene Betty after her defoliation.


I'm intending to go for a SOG type approach with the incorporation of some netting to help out with utilising the full garden space.

Beatrice who's in the nursery will join her Kerosene sisters tomorrow, she's on day 8.

Kerosene Bertha continues to fill out and is showing that she's living up to her name by being a truly compact sturdy plant. I started a little LST with her to get the shape and canopy I want.


Kerosene Bertha after her first round of LST.


If I go with the SOG, I can just manipulate her to get that even canopy. Bertha is drinking about a litre of water every 24hours, day 28 saw her have her first top dressing of Living Soils Auto grow formula and 4 x worm castings to sort out any calcium and magnesium needs. Bertha will be getting a haircut over the weekend and another top dressing of Worm castings at the end of this week.


Until the next update, happy dreaming ;)


Wow! that Bertha looks like the Cabbage that ate Chicago. :yoinks: what a beast, :vibe::thumbsup:
I can honestly say @MR magoo she was the largest seed I’ve ever seen, I should of snapped a pic. I was hoping she was going to be a big girl and it looks like she has potential. :smoking:

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