Week 4

Photos of Day 22.

Day 22: 50 cl of water per plant with ¼ of recommended dosage of BioBizz Grow.
Day 26: approx. 1 litre of water per plant with ¼ of recommended dosage of BioBizz Grow.

Lighting: I raised the lights a little (66 cm 65% power) to promote a little bit of extra stretching.

Day 27 update: plants have stretched a little, growing very vigorously, roughly 20-25 cm in height. They liked the nutes. This mini SOG is taking shape!
Only 1 issue: the lady 8 days behind is having a bit of an hard time. Her sisters are growing to fast and covering her, I raised her as best as I could. It gets light, it is growing, but not totally straight...leaves and branches are finding any available gap and sometimes they twist weirdly looking for light but whatever, the third baby was not in the original plan but decided to add her later.......As an advice, if you have very small space start all your plants together! Even a week behind causes issues! Mite not get as big as the others but hey, less yield is better than no yield!
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