Week 4 - growth stunt

So, I've now added a Kingbo 600 into the tent. The plants seem healthy but growth on the 2 in biobizz all mix has stopped.

Both have been topped and I have forgotten to start adding nutes into their feeds so that might be the issue. I'll start tonight by adding half of the recommended dosage.

The plant at the far right is 4 days older and is thriving. I've topped it and I'm currently LST. The solo cup is just plodding along. But looks a bit droopy, hopefully a water might fix that.
It's amazing how effective LST is!

A few of you may have followed my last grow and gave me advice on the best methods of smoking weed as I'm not a big smoker, I grow it for my wife mainly but I've been smoking the results of my last grow and holy shit it's fun. I'm completely green when it comes to smoking it but last night I felt like I melted into the sofa
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