Week 2

Day 8, 9/16/21: Autopot valve from the system reservoir was found to have been left tightly closed this whole time. (I'm gonna do that part of the setup next time.) Dirt was dry and fluffy to the touch, but no wilting was observed. I started off with a fear of overwatering because most of my plant experience has been with aquarium plants. Great practice for me today! At setup, both pots were watered until they started to drain; it's nice to get that data point for future grows.

Light cycle has been changed to 24/0.

Seed 2 has been overtaking Seed 1 in growth rate. (It's not obvious in this picture due to misleading perspective, but Seed 1's leaves are probably 20-30% larger than Seed 2's.) Any guesses as to which one is which? Looking through the Mephisto strain guide shows that it's anybody's game right now.

3BOGSamsquanch OGTraitForum Stomper
60-70 d70-75 dTypical cycle time65-75 d
50-80 cm70-90 cmTypical height60-90 cm
Day 9: Both plants have started to produce their third set of leaves while still working on growing out their seconds. It's like watching myself for the first three days of every new semester. I made a little ruler using my 0.5 cm graph paper to show the size difference between Seed 1 and Seed 2. Seed 1 is about 6 cm across and Seed 2 is about 8 cm.

Day 10: Third and fourth pairs of leaves are growing in on both plants, and more new growth in the center is showing, too. They're crankin'!

Day 11: Look at these two. Look at them. :D I think they appreciate the attention they get from multiple checks each day.

Day 12: Both plants are still chugging along with new leaves and continued growth of existing leaves.

Day 13: Seed 2 is showing signs of stress with yellow discoloration on one leaf edge and leaf curling of the first two leaves, but otherwise, things look good.

Day 14, 9/22/21: We have our first five-petal leaves showing up today! Seed 2's first two leaves are looking more curled and the yellow spot on the edge of her one leaf is more prominent today. Water level was found to be adequate, pH appears low-normal. growweedeasy.com suggests that it's wind burn, which seems likely given how wild that fan is in there. I'm going to move it and see how she does over the next few days. It may be a nutrient deficiency still, but damage doesn't look regular or diffuse through the leaf or the rest of the plant.



Week 2, start

Week 2, end
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