Vegetative Phase! Day 20

Vegetative Phase - Day 25

In the last 5 days there's been a fair bit of movement in the environment and progress from the ladies!

The first thing to cover is the upgrade of my lights. I had a Migro Array 2 - 120W LED Array, which had a veg/flower covereage of 60x60cm (2x2ft). This was a good light but when growing more than one plant, if they're not identical, you'd have to hang it quite high at 100% output to get even 550PPFD at the canopy. This light is a Migro Array 3 - 270W. The difference in covereage is noticible as it now covers the full 90x90cm (3x3ft) of my grow space, and hung 60cm (24") above the canopy at 60% power I was able to get 600PPFD. I did some quick testing at full power and it was looking like 750 PPFD and I can definitely bring it closer (assuming LST goes well). Super pleased with it.

Next up, I topped three out of four of the plants. The RQS Green Gelato and Watermelon, and the DPS Cinderella Jack. All three looking really strong and seem to have handled the stress with no issue. (Picture order - Cinderella Jack, Green Gelato, Watermelon).
The RQS Green Gelato has been curling in the last few days - I thought it was dry, but it might actually be wind burn as I realised my tent fan was really battering it. It's recovered a little since I moved it out of the flow , so will revert to observing. Plants also had their first feed on Day 21 - BioBizz nutrients at 60% (thanks @Mañ'O'Green for that suggestion)! That was 1L of water, with 0.6ml of BioGrow, and 1.2ml of Bio-Heaven and Acti-Vera. I'll point out the curling happened before the feed, so I'm sure it's not N toxicity.

That 1L went very quickly so Day 24 saw the feeding and watering doubled. Usually I struggle in the stretch, and usually with lockout due to overfeeding, so hoping this time will be better. My tap water EC has dropped from 0.4 to 0.09 so hoping it stays that way going forward. Second feeding was 0.4 EC and 6.7pH.

First LST will hopefully be tonight. I think I might have left it a little late as the stems are very stocky already (you can see I've been tucking in the pictures above), but will see what I can do.

Finally, let's talk about the Prosecco:
This one has been so strange, but really starting to pick up now. It has side bracnhes, albeit small ones, and I'm curious to see what the stretch brings (and yes, it's due a water tomorrow). Theres some minor variegation in the leaves, which is interesting, and looking forward to seeing how that progresses as the side branches and top grows in. This one was not topped as I don't think it could handle the stress, and also because it's really hard to tell how many nodes it has.

Think that's everything, hope you enjoy the update!
Previous page: Vegetative Phase! Day 20


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