Vegetative Phase! Day 20

Vegetative Phase! Day 20

Plant moved into what I would call vegetative stage (two sets of true leaves) over the weekend - I've just been flat out and only getting around to updating this now. Since my last update, I’ve potted up to 3gal fabric pots - I’d planned to use square pots but the 3gal ones I got turned out to be huge. Might have been UK gals. They held far more soil and I was worried about things getting too big. So fell back to my standard round 3gals.

I’ve never had an issue transplanting, and root development was healthy in the solo cups!
The RQS Green Gelato and Watermelon are absolutely bossing it. Sturdy compact plants with excellent side growth already. These girls will be topped and LST'd this weekend, if not sooner.
Green Gelato
The Cinderella Jack is also progressing well, more compact than the RQS varieties. It will be topped as well, as showing good growth and strong stems etc.
And finally we have the Prosecco. This girl is definitely an odd one, but has been really strenghthening in the last few days. Her stem which was slightly putple and weak has grown and stiffened up, and although the leaves are weird, there is definine devlopment of fingers and super compact growth.
Here's a picture from Monday showing the growth side on. She might be a bit smaller, and I have a feeling nutes are going to be a bit interesting with her, but let's keep going and see how we get on!


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