There you are

I had almost given up on you
This is a freebie seed from SeedStockers, a Panty Punch. I had just about started planning on what to do with the pot instead but this morning she had shown up!

I don't have the best experience with Seedstockers freebie seeds. Dad says it's because it's the seeds they find when they swoop the floor. I don't know, but I don't think they are stored very well in stores and these hot ass summers, well, I'm no scientist. But if I was going to give out something free as merchandise, I would put effort into making people think I am amazing by giving them the best shit. I'm sure they reason like that too.

I like growing in soil today. I know I'm hating on and off, but today we good with the mess, the smell of an open grave and the absolutely ridiculous prices of store bought amendments.


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