
One might be under the impression that I fell for my ADHD and planted YET another seed in the ALREADY crowded grow space. But it's for art. Art man.

I am cutting down my wedding glue in a day or so, chill. Everything is gonna be fine.

I also planted the seed in a too small container. So basically mistakes I have made before and know better. But I changed some small things like using an even lower quality potting soil for example and growing out of an old shoe. No, I was joking about the shoe, but the rest is true.

This is the kind of person I am. This is exactly why I drive a 15 year old car at my age.

The soil is alright I reckon actually. My dad praises it for the price. I didn't have enough recycled soil so it's a 50/50 mix of that and that. This strain is small and fast according to the packaging Quick1, so it'll be over in a breeze 🤞

Can I have a hug?IMG_20240830_180117~2.jpg


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