RQS Royal Haze Auto + Royal Highness (noauto) + others

Transplantation, temperature concerns, etc

3 days ago I've transplanted 2 smaller autos from 2nd batch into Instatransplant Pots mentioned by @G.Leave in some of his very useful guides for beginners.
Mine 5l looked like this:

I suppose that in 2 weeks they will be planted with pots in my garden.

Auto Haze from 1st batch was put into 22l plastic pot. I was a bit scared to stress her, roots were just starting to circle around hers 5l pot, but the whole pack of soil and roots stayed compact after removal of the old pot, so there shouldn't be too many damaged roots (at least I hope so).
All 3 transplants were made in the evening after one hour I've watered them (I wasn't sure if I should let them or water them, after reading several blogs, I've rushed to give them so very needed water) with some 1/3 dose of anti-stress feed (for vegetable/flowers).

Batch 1 and 2 stayed all the day and night in folio for almost the whole last week. During the day temperature is ok, esp. in folio sunlight can rise temp. fast over 20'C, but during the night temp. jumped from 2 till 10 'C. Last night I've decided to light a fat 10cm candle in it, to increase a temperature during the night. I've used some metal cover to be safe, and as it seems to really help, I've lighted another one 2 hours ago for this night.

Yesterday's folio:

I've noticed today, that photo-freak (1st one at the bottom) is recovering and last 2 sets of leaves are OK, even color is better now. One transplanted auto haze form 2nd batch is now bigger than the other (maybe stress from transplanting on 2nd?).

Screenshot from 2020-05-05 14-10-37.png

Batch 3 is small, 1 set of real leaves on long stump - there is finally some rain and cloudy weather now, so there is also less of sunlight.

Next to do:
  • watering: more than 2 days without water, soil seemed to me wet after pushing my finger 2 inches inside.
  • buying several bags of horse manure and preparing the final destination for them
  • receive several deliveries from different shops (perlite, Plagron batmix + terra bloom, PH checker for soil, PH/EC tester from Aliexpress - god knows when it arrives)
  • staying healthy
I've almost forgot, today I've used 1/2 dose of leaves fertilizer for everything in folio. Hopefully it won't hurt.


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